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Foodgram is a website with many functions, the main one of which is to share your recipes.

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Python Django Django REST Framework PostgreSQL Djoser Nginx gunicorn Docker Docker-compose Docker Hub GitHub%20Actions Yandex.Cloud

The full list of modules used in the project is available in backend/requirements.txt


Online Foodgram service and API for it. There is an implementation of the CI/CD project. In this service, users can publish recipes, subscribe to other users' publications, add their favorite recipes to Favorites, download a list of products needed to prepare one or more selected dishes.

Service features.

User access levels:
  • Guest (unauthorized user)
  • Authorized user
  • Administrator
What unauthorized users can do:
  • Create an account.
  • View recipes on the main page.
  • View individual recipe pages.
  • View user pages.
  • Filter recipes by tags.
What authorized users can do:
  • Log in with your username and password.
  • Log out (log out).
  • Change your password.
  • Create/edit/delete your own recipes
  • View recipes on the main page.
  • View user pages.
  • View individual recipe pages.
  • Filter recipes by tags.
  • Work with a personal favorites list: add recipes to it or delete them, view your favorites recipes page.
  • Work with a personal shopping list: add/remove any recipes, upload a file with the number of necessary ingredients for recipes from the shopping list.
  • Subscribe to recipe authors' publications and cancel your subscription, view your subscriptions page.
Any actions are available to the administrator.
More information is available in the API documentation at http://localhost/api/docs/ after run the project.

Workflow of the project.

Starts when executing the 'git push' command. Jobs:

  • tests: Checking the code for compliance with the PEP8 standard (using the flake8 package)
  • build_image_and_push_to_docker_hub: Build and push the project image on DockerHub.
  • deploy: Automatic deployment of the project to the server.
  • send_message: Sending a notification to the user in Telegram.

Installing and running the project on a local machine.

You must have installed and run Docker. More information in Instructions.

1. Clone a repository.

  • Option 1. Use SSH:
git clone
  • Option 2. Use HTTPS:
git clone
cd foodgram-project-react 

2. Create and activate a virtual environment.

Command to install a virtual environment on Mac or Linux:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

Command for Windows:

python -m venv venv
. venv/Scripts/activate

3. Go to the infra directory.

cd infra

4. Сopy ".env.example" file and fill in the sample.

cp .env.example .env

DB_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql # database DB_NAME=postgres # name database POSTGRES_USER=postgres # login for connect to database POSTGRES_PASSWORD=12345 # password for connect to database DB_HOST=db # name container with database DB_PORT=5432 # login for connect to database SECRET_KEY=12345 # secret key for Django project SQLITE_ENGINE = # default database(option)

5. Run docker-compose.

docker-compose up -d

6. Open bash terminal in container backend.

docker-compose exec backend bash

7. Сreate and apply migrations.

python makemigrations
python migrate

8. Open editor 'shell' and clear database.

python shell
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType

9. Upload test data_base.

python loaddata data/test_db.json

If you need create new admin:

python createsuperuser

10. Enjoy.

open URL and enjoy. P.S. If you use for local mashine SQLlite and want download your database you can:

  1. Through the terminal, navigate to the project on the local computer.
  2. go to the directory where the file '' is located.
  3. Export data in the file, example:
python dumpdata > dump.json
  1. Copy your file dump.json from the local computer to a remote server using scp.Run command:
scp dump.json <username>@<HOST>:/home/<username>/.../<>/

Installing and running the project on a remote server.

For workflow to work correctly, you need to add environment variables to the Secrets of this repository on GitHub:

  • PostgreSQL = get from .env file

  • SECRET_KEY = get from .env file

  • DOCKER_USERNAME = username from DockerHub

  • DOCKER_PASSWORD = password from DockerHub

  • USER = username for log in to a remote server

  • HOST = ip adress of remote server

  • SSH_KEY = your private SSH key (to get use the command: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)

  • PASSPHRASE = if you specified the code to connect to the server via ssh

  • TELEGRAM_TO = your Telegram account id

  • TELEGRAM_TOKEN = your Telegram bot token

1. Log in to a remote server:

ssh <username>@<ip_address>

2. Install Docker and Docker-compose.

sudo apt install
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin
sudo apt install docker-compose

3. Being locally in the infra/ directory, copy the docker-compose files.yml and nginx.conf to a remote server.

scp docker-compose.yml <username>@<host>:/home/<username>/
scp nginx.conf <username>@<host>:/home/<username>/

4. Add the user to the docker group.

This step can be skipped, in which case "sudo" must be specified at the beginning of each command

sudo usermod -aG docker username

5. Open bash terminal in container backend.

After Workflow of the project.
Steps 6-8 need to do, if you are doing this for the first time.
docker-compose exec backend bash

6. Сreate and apply migrations.

python makemigrations
python migrate

7. Open editor 'shell' and clear database.

python shell
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType

8. Upload test data_base.

python loaddata data/test_db.json

If you need create new admin

python createsuperuser

9. Enjoy.

open URL and enjoy.


Novikov Maxim - github