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DataVideo SE2000 Remote Control Protocol

DataVideo SE-2000 RS-232 Remote Control Protocol

Remote Control Protocol Communication diagram

Control Interface

Name Data
Interface RS232
Baud Rate 115200
Data bits 8
Parity None
None Stop 1

Pin Assignment

2 Receive A (RX-) <- Transmit A (TX-)
3 Transmit B (TX+) -> Receive B (RX+)
5 Common --- Common

Table Command Type

No. COM(Hex) ARG (Hex) Description
1 00 00 Sub source: Set SDI input port 1
01 Sub source: Set SDI input port 2
02 Sub source: Set SDI input port 3
03 Sub source: Set SDI input port 4
04 Sub source: Set SDI input port 5
2 01 00 Sub source: Set Black Screen
3 02 00 Sub source: Set Colour Bar
4 03 00 Main source: Set SDI input port 1
01 Main source: Set SDI input port 2
02 Main source: Set SDI input port 3
03 Main source: Set SDI input port 4
04 Main source: Set SDI input port 5
5 04 00 Main source: Set Black Screen
6 05 00 Main source: Set Colour Bar
7 10 00 Logo 1 turn off
01 Logo 1 turn on
8 11 00 Logo 2 and Clock turn off
01 Logo 2 turn on
02 Clock turn on
9 20 00 Auto function : Set Speed as level 1
01 Auto function : Set Speed as level 2
02 Auto function : Set Speed as level 3
03 Auto function : Set Speed as level 4
04 Auto function : Set Speed as level 5
10 30 00 Wipe Effect Type 1
01 Wipe Effect Type 2
02 Wipe Effect Type 3
03 Wipe Effect Type 4
04 Wipe Effect Type 5
05 Wipe Effect Type 6
08 Wipe Effect Type 1 of Inversion
09 Wipe Effect Type 2 of Inversion
0A Wipe Effect Type 3 of Inversion
0B Wipe Effect Type 4 of Inversion
0C Wipe Effect Type 5 of Inversion
0D Wipe Effect Type 6 of Inversion
11 31 00 Effect hard border
01 Effect soft border
12 32 00 Mix function
01 Wipe function
13 40 00 Cut function
14 41 00 Auto function
15 50 00 PIP source: Set SDI input port 1
01 PIP source: Set SDI input port 2
02 PIP source: Set SDI input port 3
03 PIP source: Set SDI input port 4
04 PIP source: Set SDI input port 5
16 51 00 PIP display on Sub source
01 PIP turn off on Sub source
17 52 00 PIP display on Main source
01 PIP turn off on Main source
18 61 00 Luma disable on Sub source
01 Luma enable on Sub source
19 62 00 Luma disable on Main source
01 Luma enable on Main source
20 70 00 Frame Freeze turn off
01 Frame Freeze turn on
21 80 00 Frame System time read
22 81 Hours(BCD) System time of Hour adjustment
23 82 Minutes(BCD) System time of Minute adjustment
24 83 Second(BCD) System time of Second adjustment
25 90 00 Get device status

Table Status Code

Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13 Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Byte 17 Byte 18 Byte 19 Byte 20 Byte 21 Byte 22 Byte 23 Byte 24 Byte 25 Byte 26 Byte 27 Byte 28 Byte 29 Byte 30 Byte 31 Byte 32 Byte 33 Byte 34 Byte 35 Byte 36 Byte 37 Byte 38 Byte 39 Byte 40 Byte 41
Current_User_Number Input_A Input_B PIP_Input Effect Speed Speed_Value_0 Speed_Value_1 Speed_Value_2 Speed_Value_3 Speed_Value_4 Mux_Line_A Mux_Line_B Bright_Cur Contrast_Cur Saturation_Cur X_Lbl_1 Y_Lbl_1 X_Lbl_2 Y_Lbl_2 Lbl_1_Number Lbl_2_Number X_clock Y_clock Background_Number Brightness_Control Color_Fill X_PIP Y_PIP PIP_Size Luma_Key_Level Sys_Format Inp_3_Mode Link_Flags Link_Flags_Ext Flags_Mixer Flags_Line_A Flags_Line_B Flags_Sources_Position Flags_DSK Flags_Lbl

Current_User_Number (Byte 1)

Current user number (0…5), number 0 corresponds to the Master User which other the other users settings and adjustments can be linked to

Input_A, Input_B, PiP_Input (Byte 2)

Input number currently switched to the multiplexor’s Line A, multiplexor’s Line B and PiP shaper input

Effect (Byte 3)

Currently set transition effect (curtains):

r FB B1 B0 E3 E2 E1 E0 
  • r reserved bit
  • FB soft border activation flag(0 – off, 1 – on),
  • B1, B0 effect border width, 0… 3
  • E3 effect inversion flag(0 – direct, 1 – inverse)
  • E2, E1, E0 effect number(0… 5)

Speed (Byte 4)

Number of the pressed key for speed selection (0… 4);

Speed_Value_0-4 (Byte 7 - 11)

Predefined speed corresponding to the keys for Speed Selection (4… 64)

Mux_Line_A, Mux_Line_B (Byte 12 - 13)

The multiplexor’s Line A and Line B status:

r r r r r M2 M1 M0
  • r reserved bits,
  • M2, M1, M0 signal source for the Line(000- selected input (Input_A or Input_B), 001- reserved, 010- Color Bars, 011- Color Fill defined by Color_Fill parameter);

Bright_Cur (Byte 14)

Brightness of the last selected source (0x48… 0xb8 with step 8)

Contrast_Cur (Byte 15)

Contrast of the last selected source (0x24… 0x5c with step 4)

Saturation_Cur (Byte 16)

Color saturation of the last selected source (0x24… 0x5c with step 4)

X_Lbl_1, X_Lbl_2, X_clock (Byte 17, 19, 23)

X-coordinate for Logo 1 or Logo 2 or Clock (0… 62 for 1280x720 screen resolution or 0… 102 for 1920x1080 screen resolution)

Y_Lbl_1, Y_Lbl_2, Y_clock (Byte 18, 20, 24)

Y-coordinate for Logo 1 or Logo 2 or Clock (0… 130 for 1280x720 screen resolution or 0… 110 for 1920x1080 screen resolution)

Lbl_1_Number (Byte 21)

Logo 1 number (0… 13)

Lbl_2_Number (Byte 22)

Logo 2 number (0…13)

Background_Number (Byte 25)

Multiscreen background image number(0…7)

Brightness_Control (Byte 26)

Keyboard LED brightness factor(0… 1)

Color_Fill (Byte 27)

Color Fill number(0… 7)

X_PiP (Byte 28)

X-coordinate for PiP (0… 70 for 1280x720 screen resolution or 0… 102 for 1920x1080 screen resolution)

Y_PiP (Byte 29)

Y-coordinate for PiP (0… 77 for 1280x720 screen resolution or 0… 113 for 1920x1080 screen resolution)

PiP_Size (Byte 30)

PiP size(32… 64)

Luma_Key_Level (Byte 31)

Luma Key threshold level(0…255)

Sys_Format (Byte 32)

Multiscreen resolution (the higher 4 bits) and the output signal system (the lower 4 bits). The following values are valid:

Mon_1920x1080_i60 = 0 Mon_1280x720_p60 = 1

Out_1920x1080_i25 = 0 Out_1920x1080_i30 = 1 Out_1920x1080_i29.95 = 2 Out_1280x720_p50 = 3 Out_1280x720_p60 = 4 Out_1280x720_p59.9 = 5

Mon Out Value (bits4) Value (bits4) All
1920x1080_i60 1920x1080_i25 0 0 0
1920x1080_i60 Out_1920x1080_i30 0 1 1
1920x1080_i60 Out_1920x1080_i29.95 0 2 2
1920x1080_i60 Out_1280x720_p50 0 3 3
1920x1080_i60 Out_1280x720_p60 0 4 4
1920x1080_i60 Out_1280x720_p59.9 0 5 5
-- -- -- -- --
1280x720_p60 1920x1080_i25 1 0 16
1280x720_p60 Out_1920x1080_i30 1 1 17
1280x720_p60 Out_1920x1080_i29.95 1 2 18
1280x720_p60 Out_1280x720_p50 1 3 19
1280x720_p60 Out_1280x720_p60 1 4 20
1280x720_p60 Out_1280x720_p59.9 1 5 21

Inp_3_Mode (Byte 33)

The current input 3 mode, 0 – SDI, 1 – DVI;

Link_Flags (Byte 34)

Master user settings link flags, it may be unlinked(value 0) or linked(value1) to the corresponding basic parameter:

  • bit 7: input 0 settings link flag (brightness, contrast, saturation)
  • bit 6: input 1 settings link flag (brightness, contrast, saturation)
  • bit 5: input 2 settings link flag (brightness, contrast, saturation)
  • bit 4: input 3 settings link flag (brightness, contrast, saturation)
  • bit 3: input 4 settings link flag (brightness, contrast, saturation)
  • bit 2: position and numbers of the Logo 1, Logo 2 and Clock position link flag
  • bit 1 PiP position and size link flag
  • bit 0 input 3 mode link flag

Link_Flags_Ext (Byte 35)

Master User settings extended flags, it may be unlinked (value 0) or linked (value 1) to the corresponding basic parameter:

  • bit 7: output signal system link flag
  • bit 6: multiscreen resolution link flag
  • bit 5: Luma Key threshold level link flag
  • bits 4… 0: reserved, ignore

Flags_Mixer (Byte 36)

Switching flags (mixing):

  • bit 7: Line connected to Program output (Main Source), 0 – LineA, 1 – LineB,
  • bit 6: reserved, ignore
  • bit 5: reserved, ignore
  • bit 4: switch mode, 0 – mixing

Flags_Line_A, Flags_Line_B (Byte 37-38)

Frame freeze flags of Line A and Line B:

  • bit 7: 0 - Frame freeze off, 1 - Frame freeze on
  • bits 6… 0: reserved, ignore

Flags_Sources_Position (Byte 39)

Selection Key inversion flags and switcher’s T-bar mode flag:

  • bit 7: 0 – keyboard’s source Selection Keys are arranged in direct manner (Source 1 is on the left), 1 – inverse manner (Bar is on the left)
  • bit 6: 0 – T-bar is active only while moving upwards, 1 – T-bar is active while moving both upwards and downwards
  • bits 5… 0: reserved, ignore

Flags_DSK (Byte 40)

PiP and Luma Key out flags:

  • bit 7… 6: reserved, ignore
  • bit 5: 1 – Luma Key is output onto Preview channel, 0 – not
  • bit 4: 1 – Luma Key is output onto Program channel, 0 – not
  • bit 3: 1 – PiP is output onto Preview channel, 0 – not
  • bit 2: 1 – PiP is output onto Program channel, 0 – not
  • bits 1… 0: – reserved, ignore

Flags_Lbl (Byte 41)

Logo and Clock activation flags:

  • bit 7: 1 – Logo 1 is output onto Program channel, 0 – not,
  • bit 6: 1 – Logo 2 is output onto Program channel, 0 – not,
  • bit 5: 1 – Logo 1 is output onto Preview channel, 0 – not,
  • bit 4: 1 – Logo 2 is output onto Preview channel, 0 – not,
  • bit 3: Clock activation instead of Logo 2 (0- Logo 2, 1- Clock),
  • bits 2… 0: reserved, ignore;

1.26. COM = 0xA0 – copy and write setting parameters Common_Settings (Section 2) from the device’s EEPROM into the device’s volatile memory. ARG = 0. Device replies with LEN = 0, ANSW is not available.

1.27. COM = 0xA0 – device soft reset. ARG = 0. Device replies with LEN = 0, ANSW is not available. The device executes soft reset and it completely reboots (similar to the power recycle). It is impossible to establish a connection with the device for around 8 seconds.

Example Comand

Main Source 2 = E2, E4, 0F, 00, FF, 01, FE, 40, 02, 03, 01, 0C, D6
Speed 1 : = E2, E4, 0F, 00, FF, 01, FE, 40, 02, 20, 00, D4, 26
Mix : = E2, E4, 0F, 00, FF, 01, FE, 40, 02, 32, 00, D8, 86


DataVideo SE-2000 RS-232 Remote Control Protocol







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