Factorio blueprint libraries are difficult to edit in text mode and maintain in version control systems partly due to the large size of the single JSON exported from the game.
This project allows to parse the decoded JSON into the directory structure of individual blueprints. Such structure is good for version control and manual editing.
- dir: [book label]
- file: .book.json
- file: [blueprint1 label].json
- dir: [nested book label]
- file: .book.json
- file: [blueprint2 label].json
bpcapture.py decodes clipboard contents into directory tree. Given you initialized blueprint repository in blueprint-repo directory:
python3 bpcapture.py blueprint-repo
bpdeploy.py encodes the selected directory or blueprint into the clipboard string. For example
python3 bpdeploy.py blueprint-repo/mining
python3 bpdeploy.py blueprint-repo/mining/drill-field-efficiency.json
Python >= 3.5 is required. The project uses pyperclip as a cross-platform clipboard library. Under Linux it additionally needs xclip or xsel installed.
Pyperclip can be installed via PyPI
pip3 install pyperclip
The project was not yet tested under Windows.
cd bpfs
python3 -m unittest discover tests