A fully functional and responsive MERN Stack entertainment application with interactive user interface and a nice user experice. This application comes with cool features like browsing through movies, separating movies into their distinct categories, a nice and intelligent search funcitionality across all movies categories, adding movies to bookmark; which is persisted in the database, Realtime Authentication: signing in, signing up and logging out functionalities and on top of those a readily learned user interface and lot more.
Movies list: A list which shows the list of all movies.
Movie details with the release year, thumbnail, categories, movie rating and more...
Trending movies section : A section on the homepage where user can take a glance on trending movies
Movies categories: Each categories has their distict page which are the
category and theTV SERIES
category where user can easily navigates to a particular movie category without going through the hassle of scrolling through all movies list -
Bookmark: user can easily bookmark movies they are intrigued about and the receives a nice and simple popup message as a feedback that the bookmark is saved successfully whcih means that the bookmarked movie will be saved forever unless the user removed that movie from the bookmarks list
Authentication: In this app unauthenticated user cannot access the applicaition without going through sign in or signup process, because if a user is authenticated we user the currently signed in user identity to saved the user's actions like bookmark, so that two user's bookmarks cannot be the same.
Feedback window - A fun little and minimalistic popup window which act as give the users a feedback about their currently fultilled request, activitiy or interaction with the app.
Frontend: React.js,React query, Axios, React hot toast , HTML5, CSS3, CSS in JS: React Styled component, React-hook-form, React-router, React-router-dom,React Cotext API and lot more...
Backend: Node.js, Express.js,Bcrypt.js, Express-mongo-sanitize, Morgan - Cors - Cookie-parser - xss-clean, express-rate-limit, Helmet, HPP...
Database: NoSQL database, MongoDB, Mongoose.
- Frontend: Vercel, Github, Netify,
-Backend: OnRender, Github
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For any inquiries, please contact us at balogunmuhammadawwal4@gmail.com