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Emman Voice Bot in Python

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What is it?

EmmanBot is a simple bot that plays local audio files. It has volume changing, dictionary, and looping features.

The purpose of this bot was originally just to say "Bruh" in a voice channel but has switched to a more
customizable approach for allowing a lot of custom keywords so that users may use each others
voice-lines to form sentences in a voice chat.

If you would like to test the bot before-hand, There is a version of the bot running 24/7, but do keep in mind that
it was not designed for the general public, so there is no way to upload your own audio files and will have generic
audio files.

Click Here to Invite EmmanBot.

How to use:

Clone the Repo: git clone

Rename .env.example to .env.

Open .env, put your bot token under LIVE_BOT_TOKEN, and audio directory under AUDIO_PATH and save.

Next, to install the dependencies, type pip install -r requirements.txt.

If you do not already have ffmpeg installed, you may need to do so (and probably add it to PATH as well).

After that, you may launch and everything should work fine.

Default Server Prefix is * and may be changed in

To add your own audio file, place an audio file or a subdirectory in your audio folder, and it will be available for usage instantly.

If you are using subdirectories, you would use dot notation to access the files for example:

If audio is your main audio directory, and I have a sub-folder called mujy, and an audio file inside of mujy called good.mp3, then in my command usage, I would use mujy.good without the file type.

When adding your own file, make sure the audio file is .mp3 as it is the default (and no others are currently allowed).

In this repo, I have included some audio files for test usage.


Default Bot Prefix is *

The term loop should be associated with how many times you want the files to play in TOTAL.

audio [sub directory] List a sub directory or all audio files.

dic [volume] [loop] [file_name1 file_name2 file_name3 ...] Plays files right after each other.

join Join the voice channel of the user.

leave Leave the voice channel in this guild.

ping Test if the bot is online.

play [file_name] [volume] [loop] Play/Bruh an audio file.

help [command name] View specific/all commands. Command Usage Examples

*audio would list all audio sub-directories and main audio files. *audio mujy would list all sub-directories and audio files under mujy.

*dic 40 4 mujy.test mujy.phrase would loop test phrase 4 times at volume level 40.

Please note that the default volume level of dic is 100, and the default loop is 1. In order to call words with the default settings, you will need to type them like so:
*dic 100 1 mujy.test mujy.phrase would say test phrase 1 time at volume level 100.

*join will join my voice channel if I am in one.

*leave will leave the voice channel on the server regardless if I am in one.

*ping would respond with "Pong" if it is online and running.

*play would play the default bruh (voiced by Emman himself) at volume 100 once.

*play mujy.test 60 3 would play mujy's test audio at 60% volume 3 times.

*help would bring up a list of all the commands their descriptions.

*help play would bring up a more detailed description of the play command.

Why is the bot named EmmanBot?

As simple as it is, the name of the person that requested the bot to be developed is Emman.