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Antonio Augusto Alves Junior edited this page Mar 24, 2018 · 4 revisions

Release policy

Version numbering scheme

Each Hydra release is identified by three numbers, X.Y.Z, where:

  • X: Main version number. It will be incremented always backward incompatible changes are implemented.
  • Y: Feature number. It will if the change contains new features with or without bug fixes.
  • Z: Patch number. Increase this number if the change only contains bug fixes.


  • Hydra-v2.2.x :
    • Refine the caching mechanism.
    • Error propagation functionality.
    • Adaptive multidimensional Genz-Malik quadrature.
    • More common functors.
  • Hydra-v2.3.x :
    • Parallel multidimensional convolution algorithm.
    • Parallel kernel density estimation.