Repository for all modelling data and associated MATLAB codes for
Live-cell imaging reveals the spatiotemporal organization of endogenous RNA polymerase II phosphorylation at a single gene [link to accepted paper]
- Nasc_TranscriptsCount - mRNA fish quant counts
- Raw_Intensities Analysis-BLC_W_BG_RunAve_May18 - Correlation Data with running average
- Raw_Intensities Analysis-BLC_W_BG_WO_RunAve_May18 - Raw Correlation Data
- RawCorrelationsData - 6 correlations seperated into sheets
- Renor_aligned_TPLData - aligned triptolide data
- sub_1_min_data - Correlations from .15s frame rate movies
- SimpleModel.m - Best fit (chosen) model object file
- TwoS_BurstingModel.m - Two state bursting model
- RNAP_SER5_SplitModel.m - Phosphorylation model
- mRNAsoloModel.m - mRNA retention model
- GenericModel.m - generic model obj
- Simple_MH_results
- 3.17.2021 - Primary model fit and MCMC chains (Chains E)
- Simple_MH_results
- TranscriptionModel.mlapp