This repository contains a very simple Matlab wrapper for Johns Hopkins University's COVID-19 data set.
- Loads recent JHU spatial and temporal pandemic the data into Matlab.
- Allows the user to plot the infections and deaths versus time for countries and states.
- Compute and plot a simple exponential growth trend lines based on the past 'N' days.
- Computes doubling time and for all countries and states to compare in table.
- Create map (World, US, or Europe) of pandemic hot spots at any day for the last 3 months.
- Create and export a movie of pandemic hotspots versus time.
- Fit a simple Susceptible, Infected, Severe, Recovered, Death model to data for different countries or states.
To use the wrapper, you first need to clone the JHU repository at:
To run from the Matlab command window, just navigate to the correct folder and type: "COVID19_Matlab_App". If you place both this and the JHU repositories in a common folder, it should run directly. Otherwise, you will be prompted to find the appropriate data. These are found in the folder "COVID-19/COVID-19/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series/".
Please let me know if you would like to see any added functionality.