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@MussaCharles MussaCharles released this 05 Jul 05:38
· 16 commits to main since this release

Initial config, to get up and running during the first month!

  1. Homebrew
  2. Xcodes App
  3. iterm2
  4. zsh (Only if not pre-installed)
  5. zsh-syntax-highlighting
  6. zsh-autosuggestions
  7. ohmyzsh
    7.1. zsh themes
  8. Custom scripts
  9. CocoaPods
  10. carthage
  11. gitignore file
  12. GitHub CLI
  13. Configure Git's user name & email.
  14. Get up and running with your remote git projects
  15. Show Build time on Xcode
  16. Rectangle
  17. Git Large File Storage
  18. FengNiao
  19. fui