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Entity-Relationship diagram visualizer: Demo

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TABLE author {
    name        VARCHAR
    address     VARCHAR(255)
    url         VARCHAR(255)
TABLE publisher {
    name     VARCHAR(255)
    address  VARCHAR(255)
    phone    VARCHAR(255)
    url      VARCHAR(255)
TABLE book {
    ISBN           VARCHAR(255)
    authorName     VARCHAR(255) [ref:]
    publisherName  VARCHAR(255) [ref:]
    authorAddress  VARCHAR(255) [ref: author.address]
    year           INT(10)
    title          VARCHAR(255)
    price          NUMBER
TABLE customer {
    name     VARCHAR(255)
    email    VARCHAR(255)
    address  VARCHAR(255)
    phone    VARCHAR(255)
TABLE shopping_basket_book {
    shopping_basket_id  INT(10)      [ref:]
    bookISBN            VARCHAR(255) [ref: book.ISBN]
    count               INT(10)
TABLE shopping_basket {
    id             INT(10)
    customerEmail  VARCHAR(255) [ref:]
TABLE warehouse {
    code     INT(10)
    address  VARCHAR(255)
    phone    VARCHAR(255)
TABLE warehouse_book {
    count          INT(10)
    bookISBN       VARCHAR(255)  [ref: book.ISBN]
    warehouseCode  INT(10)       [ref: warehouse.code]

Formated result:


The app needs optimizations from the react side. Better to use charting libs like d3 to visualize the data rather than drawing everything! Feel free to contribute.