A simple syndication server implementation that aggregates and distributes ATOM feeds
Compile the files
$javac -cp ".:./lib/*" -d ./ *.java
One content server, one GET client
One content server, many GET clients
Start the aggregation server
$java -cp ".:./lib/*" ds.assignment2.AggregationServer PORT &
where PORT is the port number that the server starts on
To start a client that sends GET request for atom.xml
$java -cp ".:./lib/*" ds.assignment2.GETClient HOST
where HOST is URL to the server of format
- "http://servername.domain.domain:portnumber"
- "http://servername:portnumber"
- "servername:portnumber"
The default value is
To start a content server that sends PUT request to update atom.xml
$java -cp ".:./lib/*" ds.assignment2.ContentServer HOST PATH
where HOST is URL to the server of format
- "http://servername.domain.domain:portnumber"
- "http://servername:portnumber"
- "servername:portnumber"
and PATH is the path to the input file
To test a simple content server -> aggregation server -> client model
$java -cp ".:./lib/*" ds.assignment2.AggregationServer &
$java -cp ".:./lib/*" ds.assignment2.ContentServer input.txt
$java -cp ".:./lib/*" ds.assignment2.GETClient > output.txt