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NOTE Not finished, not for production use


A simple role to create a CA to create certificates and deploy them to hosts.

The intended use is to create certificates you can use for connecting clients to main systems. As there are several tools that require keys and certificates with different options set, the role should be able to create them, too. These more specialised keys and certificate must not replace the default ones. See Contributing below for details. The idea is to run the role once on all hosts in the infrastructure to create all certificates and keys.

The current version is only tested with CentOS 7 and Rocky 8.

Some files are copied to the host you're running Ansible on.


You need to have the Python library cryptography in version >1.2.3 available. PyOpenSSL might also work, but is deprecated. Please note that different versions might have different requirements which ciphers to use. So watch your Playbook output and be ready to change ca_openssl_cipher if needed.


  • ca_manage_openssl: Install openssl package? (default: true)
  • ca_ca_dir: Directory to place CA and certificates (default: /opt/ca)
  • ca_ca_days: Runtime of the CA certificate (default: 3650)
  • ca_ca_password: Password of CA key (default: ChangeMe)
  • ca_localdir: Temporary directory on Ansible management host (default: /tmp/ca)
  • ca_local_become: Use become on the Ansible controller. Used for creation of ca_localdir. (default: false)
  • ca_ca_host: Hostname of the CA host (default: localhost)
  • ca_country: Setting for certificates (default: EX)
  • ca_state: Setting for certificates (default: EX)
  • ca_locality: Setting for certificates (default: EX)
  • ca_postalcode: Setting for certificates (default: 1234)
  • ca_organization: Setting for certificates (default: example)
  • ca_organizationalunit: Setting for certificates (default: example)
  • ca_common_name: CN for certificates (default: {{ inventory_hostname }})
  • ca_email: E-Mail address for certificates (default: root@{{ ansible_fqdn }})
  • ca_altname_1: First alt name (default: {{ ansible_fqdn }})
  • ca_ca_keylength: CA keylength (default: 2048)
  • ca_server_cert: Create server certificate as well (default: true)
  • ca_logstash: Create Logstash compatible certificate as well. Needs ca_server_cert to be set. (default: false)
  • ca_etcd: Create additional etcd compatible certificates. Requires ca_etcd_group to be defined. (default: false)
  • ca_etcd_group: Needs to be set to the group name of etcd nodes and will add the default IPv4 address of each node to the certificates. will also be added by the role to the SAN for loopback purposes.(default: undefined)
  • ca_keypassphrase: Password for the client key, default not defined
  • ca_openssl_cipher: Cipher to use for key creation, default not defined
  • ca_client_ca_dir: Directory to place CA and certificates on the clients (default: /opt/ca)
  • ca_client_ca_dir_owner: User to own the certificate directory on the clients (default: root)
  • ca_client_ca_dir_group: Group to own the certificate directory on the clients (default: root)
  • ca_client_ca_dir_mode: Permissions of the certificate directory on the clients (default: 0700)
  • ca_renew: Renew certificates if they expire within ca_check_valid_time timeframe (default: false)
  • ca_valid_time: Valid time of new created certificates (default: +365d)
  • ca_check_valid_time: Timeframe to check if certificates will expire (default: +2w)


Sometimes a very special combination of tools and versions requires a workaround that may only work in certain environments. We implement these usually with variables to turn them on or off. These are almost always temporary so we don't invest a lot in documentation. If you know, you need a certain setting, then activate the variable. If not, please leave it off because these workarounds usually have negative side effects.

These workarounds usually don't get their own test scenarios in molecule. They will be tested in local test systems and left as they are.

All of these have the default value false.

  • ca_ls7_workaround: Enable pinning key parameters for a Logstash compatible key. These settings make sure the key works with a certain combination of OpenSSL and Logstash. Symptom: Logstash logs that a valid PKCS8 key is invalid.
  • ca_ls7_workaround_cipher: The cipher to use for the workaround (default: PBE-SHA1-RC4-128)

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - ca


Contributions are very welcome! Please make sure you stick to the following rules:

  • The role must be able to run once on all hosts in the inventory and create all keys and certificates. You can not introduce changes that need an extra run with different variables. Of course, if you want, you can have different variable sets and run it several times e.g. to have more than one CA. It's about parameters for more specialised keys and certificates, they must not interfere with the existing ones.
  • If you want to introduce a new kind of key or certificate, please make sure to create it additionally to the current variants. This role is used in projects where every host relies on a certificate created by this role. Changing the existing ones might break it.
  • If you create new files that could be used for different usecases, please use a suffix that explains what kind of file you're providing. e.g. We introduced keys in PKCS8 format to use for Logstash. But since other tools might want to use them, too, we added -pkcs8 as suffix. So the filenames are instance.key for the default one and instance-pkcs8.key.
  • If you create files that are dedicated to a certain service and shouldn't be used by anything else, use the name of the service/tool as suffix. For example when you add all IPs within a cluster to SAN that's very specific. So add a suffix naming the tool you build them for.



Author Information

This role was created in 2021 by Thomas Widhalm Moved Maintainer to NETways in 2022

Some code used from: