The topology design employs Small branch network with a VPN (IPSec VTI) connection to a branch office. Device R1-VPN and R2-VPN provides VPN connection
interface Tunnel10
ip address <Tunnel IP address and mask>
tunnel source Ethernet0/1
tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
tunnel destination <destination IP of the peer router>
tunnel protection ipsec profile crypt_profile
FW1 and FW2 provide zone-based firewall connection between LAN and Internet connection. Branch network internet traffic is backhauled to HQ through firewalls for stateful inspection.
class-map type inspect match-any Private-Internet-class
match protocol tcp
match protocol udp
match protocol icmp
policy-map type inspect Private-Internet-Policy
class type inspect Private-Internet-class
class class-default
zone security Private
zone security Internet
zone-pair security Private-Internet-zone source Private destination Internet
service-policy type inspect Private-Internet-Policy
FW1 and FW2 provides active/standby failover (through HSRP) towards Internet connection. ISP-SW is configured with SPAN to monitor ingress/egress traffic with the IDS.
Windows server provides services for DHCP, DNS Ubuntu servers as the automation server
API GET requests:
- Router health
- Firewall stateful inspection status
- VLANs on a switch
- Routers: i86bi_LinuxL3-AdvEnterpriseK9-M2_157_3_May_2018.bin
- Switches: i86bi_linux_l2-adventerprisek9-ms.SSA.high_iron_20180510.bin
- IDS: Ostinato Wireshark Docker
- Windows Server: Win2k16_14393.0.161119-1705.RS1_REFRESH_SERVER_EVAL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
- Ubuntu:
- GNS3
pip install netmiko
pip install rich
pip install fastapi[all]
TextFSM is a Python module that templatizes human-readable into structured machine-readable text
uvicorn APIs:app --host <ip addres of server> --reload