The ITLApp.jl
package provides a GUI for calculating interface transfer limits with
PowerSystems.jl and
in a web app interface like the one shown here:
julia> ]add
This application allows users to load a load flow case data and calculate interface transfer limits in a web UI via Plotly Dash. Here's how to start it:
julia> using ITLApp
julia> run_itl_app()
[ Info: Navigate browser to:
[ Info: Listening on:
Open your browser to the IP address and port listed. In this case:
Consult for help extending the UI.
Set the environment variable SIENNA_DEBUG
to enable hot-reloading of the UI.
Mac or Linux
$ export SIENNA_DEBUG=1
# or
$ SIENNA_DEBUG=1 julia --project src/itl_app.jl
Windows PowerShell
PowerApps.jl is released under a BSD license. PowerApps.jl has been developed as part of the Sienna ecosystem at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).