CS4710 Introducing to Databases
GIT repository: https://github.com/NTHUDBMS/miniDBMS.git
Shawn(蔡宇翔), Mike(張書正)
This Database Manage System simulator is SQL3
required, other version of SQL commands are
not under this project specification.
We use ANTLR 4 tool to implement interpreter.
The System will input .sql file as arguments
to execute the simulation
1.Please import into eclipse as a java project
2.Must install "ANTLR 4 IDE" from "Eclipse Marketplace"
(Eclipse->Help->Eclipse Marketplace->search"ANTLR"->install)
3.Add External JARS:
(Project->Properties->Java Build Path->Add External JARS)
4.Execute the project with test benches of SQL files as argument
(Eclipse->Run->Run Configurations->Arguments)
Arguments should be ordered as below:
or could use any one of argumets*.txt
5.right click Sql.g4, Run as, Generate Antlr Recognizer
set only once, need to rerun after edit Sql.g4
6.Main is in "dbms.DBMS.java", open it and execute
7.The result should be displace on Console