2021 年新版臺大電機系預選網站 (https://course.ntuee.org/)
email: b07901016@ntu.edu.tw
After cloning this repo, put students.json
into ./server/database/private-data/
, and then execute the following commands.
For the format and generation of students.json
, see password generation.
$ cp .env.defaults .env # Run one time
$ pnmp database reset # Database reset, run one time
$ pnpm install
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose_dev.yml up -d # This will watch backend code changes
$ pnpm dev-server # This will run a develop server
$ pnpm start
Goto http://localhost:3000
to see the website.
# start frontend, backend, database
$ docker-compose up -d
To see frontend logs
$ docker logs -f ntueecoursewebsite2021_frontend_1
To reset database
$ docker exec -it ntueecoursewebsite2021_backend_1 npm run database reset
$ npm install
$ npm start
# in another terminal
cd server
docker-compose up -d
cd ..
npm run database reset
npm run dev-server