Career Venture is a comprehensive platform dedicated to helping individuals with career development, job search, and mentorship opportunities. It offers a variety of services for job seekers, mentors, and employers, including job applications, mentorship bookings, personalized dashboards, and more.
This platform also includes features like language toggle, light/dark theme support, and payment integration with Stripe.
Visit the live website here: Career Venture
- Roles and Permissions
- Features
- Technologies Used
- Installation
- Environment Variables
- Getting Started
- Contributing
- License
The admin has the highest level of access to manage the platform. Their responsibilities include:
Manage Users
- Block or unblock members.
- Switch any member to admin or vice versa.
- Approve or reject trainer applications.
Mentor Management
- View all the applied mentors and approve or reject them.
- View approved and rejected mentors.
Job Management
- Post new job openings.
- View all job applications for the openings.
Bootcamp Management
- Add new bootcamps to the platform.
- View and manage bootcamps.
Transaction Management
- View all website transactions.
- Approve or reject transactions.
Profile Management
- View and update admin profile.
Mentors have access to manage their profile, resources, and mentorship slots. Their responsibilities include:
Bootcamp Management
- Add new bootcamps to the platform.
- Manage and update their bootcamp resources.
Mentorship Management
- Manage one-on-one mentorship slots.
- Add, update, and delete mentorship slots.
- View sold mentorships.
Feedback and Profile
- Submit feedback about the website.
- Update mentor profile.
Members have access to job opportunities, mentorship slots, and feedback features. Their responsibilities include:
Job Management
- Apply for jobs posted by employers.
- View job application status and responses.
Mentorship Management
- Apply to be a mentor.
- View mentorship opportunities and apply.
Bootcamp Management
- View wishlist and join bootcamps by paying via Stripe.
Profile Management
- View and update profile.
- View transactions and booked mentor slots.
User Management
- Block/unblock members.
- Switch member roles between admin, mentor, and member.
Mentor Approval
- View and manage mentor applications.
- Approve or reject mentors.
Job Management
- Post job openings for members to apply.
- View job applications for posted jobs.
Bootcamp Management
- Add new bootcamps.
- Manage bootcamp listings.
Transaction Approval
- View all transactions on the platform.
- Approve or reject transactions.
Profile Management
- Admin can update their profile information.
Bootcamp Creation
- Add and manage bootcamps and resources.
Mentorship Slot Management
- Manage, add, and delete one-on-one mentorship slots.
Mentorship Sales
- View sold mentorships and revenue.
Feedback & Profile Update
- Submit feedback about the website.
- Update mentor profile information.
Job Applications
- Apply for jobs posted by employers.
- View job application responses and status.
Mentorship Booking
- Book one-on-one mentorship sessions.
- View and manage booked mentor slots.
Bootcamp Enrollment
- Join bootcamps by paying via Stripe.
Profile Management
- Update profile information.
- View transactions, wishlist, and bootcamp enrollment.
- Submit feedback on the platform.
Light/Dark Theme Toggle
- Users can toggle between light and dark themes for better user experience.
Language Toggle
- Toggle between different languages for content localization.
Stripe Payment Integration
- Secure payments for joining bootcamps and accessing premium features via Stripe.
- Frontend: React.js, Tailwind CSS, i18next (for localization), React Router, React Leaflet (for location-based maps)
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Firebase Authentication, Email.js
- Payments: Stripe Payment Gateway
- File Hosting: Cloudinary
- Localization: i18next
- Map Integration: React Leaflet
To get started, clone the client and server repositories:
git clone
git clone
Navigate to both client and server directories and run:
npm install
Ensure you set the following environment variables in the .env
file for both client and server.
In the client directory, run:
npm run dev
In the server directory, run:
npm start
We welcome contributions! Please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Roles: Clearly defines the three roles (Admin, Mentor, Member) with their respective permissions.
- Features: Describes detailed features of each role, including job applications, mentorship slots, profile management, bootcamp enrollment, and payment integration with Stripe.
- Technologies: Lists all technologies used in the frontend and backend for your platform.
- Installation and Setup: Provides clear steps to clone the repository, install dependencies, and run both client and server.
will help guide users, developers, and contributors to better understand the structure and usage of your Career Venture project.