A project about NLP developed with Prolog
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You'll need to install SWI-Prolog. Once done, launch Prolog go to File > Consult then search for main.pl file.
Now we can go ahead and test the code :
?- analyse("le petit chat regarde le chien").
This is a correct sentence and as expected thats what the program answers
ph( gn( sn( art("le") adj("petit") nom("chat"))) gv( verbe("regarde") cod( sn( art("le") nom("chien")))))
true .
The program return the syntax of the sentence.
Let's now try the auto-correct :
?- analyse("le petite chat regarde le chien").
ph( gn( sn( art("le") * adj(petit)* nom("chat"))) gv( verbe("regarde") cod( sn( art("le") nom("chien")))))
true .
You can notice that the program corrected "petite" to "petit".
Also note that the program can't correct all the mistakes, but still will detect them all :
?- analyse("le petite chatte regarde le chien").
ph( gn( sn( art("le") * adj(petit)* sn( gn(
Here there was an attempt to correct the sentence, but it failed, so the program returns false.
My program doesn't have a rich dictionary, but you can add your own words. The file is in modules and is named dict.pl For example, if you want to add an adjective change this :
adj_rad(X) :- member(X,[
to this :
adj_rad(X) :- member(X,[
The same goes for names where you have to put then in the feminine and masculine form. For verbs you have to put the radical for example : 'jouer' becomes 'jou'