Installation of project:
- Download the zip-file with the project
- Install Java, OpenJDK (we used version 11.0.15)
- Install Apache Maven (we used version 3.6.0)
- Install PostgreSQL (we used version 10.21)
- Install Node JS (we used version 7.7.6)
- Navigate to Heart-app/src/main/resources and open the file and set the chosen settings for the postgreSQL database
- Navigate to Heart-app/vue-material-dashboard-masterbase/http-common.js and change the base URL to the URl of the backend + "/api"
- In the root of the Heart-app folder, install dependencies by doing: mvn package
- Navigate to Heart-app/vue-material-dashboard-master folder and do: npm install
- Inside your database (preferrably in SQL Shell) run the following command to create a table for ECG:
- CREATE TABLE ecg(id SERIAL, patient_id varchar(20) NOT NULL, ecg_data int4[], timestamp timestamp default current_timestamp);
Run the project:
- Open two terminals.
- In first terminal: In the Heart-app folder, run back end by doing: mvn spring-boot:run
- In second terminal: In the Heart-app/vue-material-dashboard-master folder, run front end by doing: npm run serve
- The project will now be running on http://localhost:8081/
Run tests:
- Integration tests: In the Heart-app folder, do: mvn test
- API Unit tests and front end tests: run back and front end. In the Heart-app/vue-material-dashboard-master folder, do: npx cypress run