A collection of wallpapers colorised to fit the OneDark GTK theme, curated by myself and sourced from various platforms.
See the wallpaper showcase here.
The wallpapers featured here have been sourced from:
- r/unixporn Discord wallpapers channel
- This amazing Gruvbox collection
- The now-deceased Catppuccin wallpaper repo (Wayback Machine link)
- The fabulous Nordic wallpapers repo
Many wallpapers also come from various image dumps on Imgur and have been processed through the OneDark filter of ImageGoNord. The images here are at least 1920x1080 and above (some as large as 5K).
I plan on adding more wallpapers over time, as I believe this is the only active OneDark wallpaper repository. (I have found this older repo.)
If there are any wallpapers that their rightful creators wish to be removed, please make an issue and I will remove them ASAP.
I am using the color reference from joshdick's onedark.vim repo as I believe their colors represent OneDark the best:
Not all of the colors are 100% accurate, as some of the ImageGoNord-processed images contain colors not in the OneDark color scheme. However, with a fully customised setup, you shouldn't notice it too much.
- Due to the lack of darker tones for more complex wallpapers I modify by hand, I am using the Atom One Dark 2 Color Palette grey colors. I think these greys are the most faithful to OneDark, so I will use them. If you know of any others that will do the job better, please let me know.
- Additionally, I am using
for even lighter colors than#abb2bf
Here's an example of OneDark being applied to a non-OneDark image (using ImageGoNord):
If you have any wallpapers that have been colorised to fit OneDark and look pretty cool, and you want to be a contributor, please let me know!
- Complete OS wallpapers
- Complete WM/DE wallpapers
- Complete program wallpapers
- ...