PyomoTools is a collection of tools to aid in formulating and working with Pyomo models.
Key functions include:
- LoadIndexedSet: Create a dict of subsets and properly attach it to a given pyomo model.
- Load2DIndexedSet: Similar to LoadIndexedSet but with two levels of indexing.
- GenerateExpressionStrings: A function to create a matching pair of strings representing a given pyomo expression: One symbolic, One with all values substituted in
- InfeasibilityReport: A class to analyze any infeasibilities found within a model in an easily readable way.
Formulations.DoubleSidedBigM: A function to automatically generate the constraints and variables needed to model the relation
$A = B \times X + C$ in MILP form. -
Formulations.MinOperator: A function to automatically generate the constraints and variables needed to model the relation
$A = min(B,C)$ in MILP form. -
Formulations.MaxOperator: A function to automatically generate the constraints and variables needed to model the relation
$A = max(B,C)$ in MILP form. - Formulations.PWL: A function to automatically generate a Piecewise-Linear approximation of a general (non-linear) function
- IO.ModelToExcel: A function to write the solution of a model to an easily readable excel file.
- IO.LoadModelSolutionFromExcel: A function to load a solution from an excel file into a pyomo model.
- MergeableModel: A class that extends the base pyo.ConcreteModel class that now allows for sub-models to be added.
- FindLeastInfeasibleSolution: A tool for finding the least infeasible solution of a (presumably infeasible) model.
- VectorRepresentation: A tool to convert a (Mixed-Integer) Linear model into it's vector/matrix representation.
- Polytope: A class to facilitate the plotting and vertex calculation of a sub-polytope of a model.
- Download or clone this repository
- In your Python terminal, navigate to the repository you downloaded.
- By default, the example/testing code used into this package uses the SCIP solver. Please ensure you have this solver installed (Instalation Link). If you'd like to instead use a different solver(s), please edit the "" file to point to the solvers you'd like to use before continuing.
- Enter the command
pip install .
- PyomoTools and all dependencies should be automatically installed.
- To make sure everything was correctly installed, Enter the command
pytest PyomoTools/