Javascript challenges for Google's Code Next Team Edge Program. These challenges are defined in the master branch, and solved in the solutions branch of this repo:
Each challenge contains detailed instructions in the body of the .js file.
Clone the repo to a Teamn Edge directory on your computer, or Raspberry Pi.
Make sure to have Node.js and the readline-sync package, which is used to get input in the Terminal:
- Installing Node.js. When you're done installing Node or to check if you have it installed, open a terminal and enter this command:
$ node -v
To add packages, you must also install NPM (Node Package Manager) Install NPM:
$ npm init --yes
Readline-sync package:
$ npm install readline-sync
Once you have confirmed this setup, you can navigate to the directory where you cloned things to, if needed, and run each file in the terminal with Node.js. $ node name-of-file.js