This project consists of 3 tampermonkey scripts, for the sack of providing leetcode session switch easier in different browser by click one button.
In short, Different Browser Different Leetcode Session
You can use different pratice session in different client (notebook, PC)
Tampermonkey should be installed in your browser
- import 3 js scripts into your tempermonkey
- switch on these scripts
For frist time please set default session by clicking [🖋️Session] button on navigation bar of leetcode.
There are two button on your leetcode navigation bar will be added after installed the scripts
This button will show leetcode session now, if session is not equal to your browser setting then it will show [session now➡BrowserSessionName] After click this button it will set the leetcode session to browser session, selected by [🖋️Session], and redirect the page.
Redirect to session selection page, and select one as the session of this browser. After select, [BrowserSessionName] will set to your selection every time.
'''only show in problem solving pages''' Click then change to browser session and submit code
- Set session/Select browser session by one click
- Show Session name on nav bar
- Force submit code by browser session (if the session chagne when you writting code)
- Update location provided