- Two web scraping scripts.
- github_webscraper.py Opens the provided github repository link and saves the Names of the repos and Languages used to a .json file
- scrungy_cats.py Opens a subreddit and downloads all images from the top posts until reddit stops displaying results.
Ended up installing 952 cat photos in 10 minutes. Could be repurposed to download photos from many different subreddits.
Install PIP, Python 3, Google Chrome
The chromium driver is encapsulated within runtime to avoid manual setup.
Step 1) Create Virtual Environment:
(Windows Shell) >>> cd ~\SeleniumProject
(Windows Shell) >>> py -m venv .venv
Step 2) Activate Virtual Environment:
(Windows Shell) >>> .\venv\Scripts\activate
Step 3) Install Requirements:
(Windows Shell) >>> pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 4) Run Program
(Windows Shell) >>> py github_webscraper.py OR py scrungy_cats.py