- use programming language
with libraryspacy
- apply methods
to analysis the text
- html contain all the html-version files including graphs
- img contain the charts from the result of two methods
- presentation has the slides of our presentation
- src has all the configurations we need
- file LDA apply the method
- file TFIDF apply the method
- remove all the unnecessary symbols
- remove all the stop words
- remove all the numbers
- transfer all the words into lowercase
- classify all the words with their lemma
- Stand for term frequency-inverse document frequency
- Our goal: find out the most important words from certain text and learn the key words trend during several years
- Processing: input text file → results
- take BMW as example
input [BMW-AnnualReport-2010 to 2017]
do Reprocessing
output content
input content
output TF/IDF-matrix
- Result: all the words with importance value
- Stand for Latent Dirichlet Allocation
- Our goal: find out several topics from certain text, know the main pages of certain topic and learn the topics trend during several years
- Processing: train the model → input text file → results
- take Commerzbank as example
input [many reports from the bands]
do Preprocessing
do Train the model
output model
input commerzbank_report
do LDA
output topics
- Result: topics of the text
- Visualization: use library
to draw the charts
- library spacy reference https://spacy.io/