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Dynamic water material (with waves) for Bevy.


A fleet of pirate ships moving with the waves.

cargo run --release --example pirates

Dutch ship model from polyhaven (CC0)

WASM examples

See the WebGPU and WebGL versions online here


rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli

Build & Run

Following is an example for pirates. For other examples, change the pirates in the following commands.


RUSTFLAGS="--cfg=web_sys_unstable_apis" cargo build --release --example pirates \
	--target wasm32-unknown-unknown \
	--no-default-features --features webgpu,embed_shaders,depth_prepass

echo "wasm-bindgen"
wasm-bindgen --out-name pirates_webgpu \
  --out-dir examples/wasm/target \
  --target web target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/examples/pirates.wasm

echo "Optimize wasm"
wasm-opt --strip-debug --vacuum -Oz \
	-o ./examples/wasm/target/pirates_webgpu_bg.wasm ./examples/wasm/target/pirates_webgpu_bg.wasm


cargo build --release --example pirates --target wasm32-unknown-unknown \
	--no-default-features --features webgl2,embed_shaders

echo "wasm-bindgen"
wasm-bindgen --out-name pirates_webgl2 \
  --out-dir examples/wasm/target \
  --target web target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/examples/pirates.wasm

echo "Optimize wasm"
wasm-opt --strip-debug --vacuum -Oz \
	-o ./examples/wasm/target/pirates_webgl2_bg.wasm ./examples/wasm/target/pirates_webgl2_bg.wasm

Then serve examples/wasm directory to browser. i.e.

# cargo install basic-http-server
basic-http-server examples/wasm


  • Moving 3d waves (vertex height offset).
  • Get the wave height using get_wave_point to dynamically move objects based on the water height.
  • Tileable - allows for adding/removing tiles of water for endless ocean.
  • Normals calculated based on wave height for lighting.
  • Imports bevy_pbr::* shader for lighting/shadow support.


  • Improve water color/texture.
  • Heightmap support to adjust waves based on water depth.
  • Mask texture to remove water from areas that shouldn't have water.
  • Volumetic water below the surface.
  • Dynamic depth buffer for objects partially below the surface (boats, peers). Render pass?


  • Bevy 0.14: bevy_water = "0.14"
  • Bevy 0.13.1: bevy_water = "0.13"
  • Bevy 0.12: bevy_water = "0.12"
  • Bevy 0.11: bevy_water = "0.11"
  • Bevy 0.10: bevy_water = "0.10"
  • Bevy 0.9: bevy_water = "0.9"
  • Bevy 0.8: bevy_water = "0.8"