New York Cartoon Caption
An engaging game-style app where users create and vote on unique cartoon captions.
- Created to adher to the requirements of the third module of Flatiron's School Software Engineering Immersive program.
- Development of a project from beginning to end. Goals were met through debugging and troubleshooting for various solutions, which lead to successful completion.
Built with :
- React and Semantic-React-UI
- Allowed additional styling to the frontend CSS.
- Connected using a third-party API
What makes your project stand out?
Click the 'Play' tab and look for a comic you like!, if one doesn't show up, click to choose another! When you find one you like, click 'Play Caption Contest'. You and your friends come up with 2 different funny captions, then put them to a vote! Check the Gallery tab for the Winners.
- Connect all the media.
- Complete better ReadMe.
- Rebuild it with from the ground up
- Add to final Portfolio.
- Host on Netlify[Front-End].
- Build a backend which asks for a sign/sign up section[Back-End/Heroku]
This project used the GPLv3 license.
- Created originally with Alex Siler and Christopher Swafford.
- Refactor in React by Alex Siler.