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Bukkit plugin that improves horses MMO-style by increasing their levels through training.


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A Bukkit plugin that improves horses MMO-style by increasing their levels through training.


  • The plugin manages two categories of animals:
    • Trackable Animals: llamas.
    • Trainable Animals: Horses, donkeys, mules, skeletal horses and zombie horses.
  • The following capabilities are supported for Trackable Animals:
    • they can be locked,
    • they have an access control list that defines who (besides the owner) can ride them or access their inventory,
    • they can be listed, showing their name, type of animal, equipment, appearance, location, and performance attributes,
    • they can be found, showing their coordinates and the direction to go to reach them.
  • Trainable Animals support all of the capabilities provided for Trackable Animals and can also be trained to improve their performance.
  • Trainable Animals can be trained in three abilities: speed, jump strength and health.
    • Speed: A horse’s speed increases according to the total horizontal distance travelled on the ground by the horse while carrying a rider.
    • Jump Strength: A horse’s jump strength increases according to the total horizontal distance travelled in the air by the horse while carrying a rider. Fall distance does not count. You can make the horse jump, ride it off a cliff, or just ride it up and down slopes to improve jump strength.
    • Health: A horse’s health increases according to the total mass of gold consumed in the form of golden carrots, regular golden apples and Notch apples. The more gold it takes to craft a food item, the more it improves the horse’s health. Horses eat one food item at a time. You may need to hurt them in order for them to eat golden apples. What does not kill them makes them stronger!
  • Trainable Animals start out at level 1 in each of these three abilities.
  • Trainable Animal attributes (health, jump and speed) improve in discrete steps when the level of that ability is increased to the next whole number.
  • The level of each ability has a maximum value corresponding to an attribute that is generally a little bit better than the best possible vanilla Minecraft horse in that regard. But it will take a lot of effort to get there. It is not possible to exceed the maximum level by further training.
  • However, admins can set the level of a horse's ability above the maximum using the /horse-set-level command.
  • All types of horses, including donkeys, mules, skeletal and zombie horses, have the same maximum level and maximum ability (in this version of the plugin). But other vanilla restrictions remain: only donkeys and mules can carry chests and skeletal or zombie horses cannot wear armour.
  • The total training effort to reach the next level increases exponentially with the level.
  • The maximum level, maximum significant training effort, exponential scaling, and the resulting range of horse attribute values are all configurable.
  • Trainable Animals have a hydration level that ranges between 0.0 and 1.0. Full hydration is 1.0. Hydration declines in proportion to horizontal distance travelled. When hydration reaches 0.0, training no longer increases the animal's levels.
  • The rate at which an animal pants (breathes heavily) increases from once a minute at full hydration to every four seconds at hydration 0.0.
  • Trainable Animals can be rehydrated by right clicking on them with a bucket, or by mounting them when they are within 3 blocks of a water block or cauldron containing water, either at feet level or ground level (one block below).
  • The full dehydration distance and rehydration value of a water bucket are configurable.
  • Trainable Animals can wear "disguise saddles" which disguise the steed as some other type of entity. A disguise saddle has lore of the form: "Disguise: EntityType" where EntityType is any Bukkit mob EntityType constant (case insensitive, surrounding spaces ignored).
  • Players who have problems with chunks loading slowly when riding fast horses can set a speed limit that applies to their motion while they are riding any horse, using /horse-speed-limit. The innate maximum speed of a horse is not affected by this command.
  • Animals that are not ridden or interacted with by their owner for a long time (configurable, default 14 days) may be considered abandoned and are then untamed and can be tamed or killed by another player, or killed by the environment.
    • Trainable Animals can be prevented from abandonment in any of the following ways:
      • naming the horse/donkey/mule with a name tag, or
      • giving them equipment (saddle, chest or armour), or
      • training them to level 2 or more in speed or jump, or
      • feeding them 72 or more gold nuggets worth of golden food.
    • Llamas can be prevented from abandonment by:
      • naming them with a name tag, or
      • giving them equipment (carpet or chest).
  • Choice of horse database implementation, as long as you choose YAML. The Sqlite Ebeans implementation and the combined (YAML + Sqlite) implementation have been dropped due to Ebeans not working as expected and the API being scheduled for removal from Spigot in 1.12.
  • Databases are backed up on restart in the backups/ subdirectory of the plugin folder, with a date/time stamp in the filename that has a granularity of 1 hour. If a matching backup already exists, it is not overwritten.

Training Algorithm

The amount of effort to train a horse's ability (Speed, Jump or Health) increases exponentially with the current level of that ability. Low levels are easy, high levels take much more work.

For the full mathematics of the training algorithm, see Training Algorithm.

For visualisations of the training effort required to attain a specific level of Speed, Jump or Health, see Plots.

Llimitations of Llamas

EasyRider provides many commands and capabilities that apply equally to all types of horses (living, skeletal, zombie), mules, donkeys and llamas. Unless otherwise specified, the word "horse" in the documentation that follows refers to any of these animals, including llamas. However, since llamas cannot be trained, commands that show training information will instead show attributes and will not show level values, and some admin commands that operate directly on training information may not be applicable to llamas.

Player Facing Commands

  • /horse-info [help] - Show level information about the horse currently ridden or right-clicked.

    • Aliases: /hinfo, /horse-levels
  • /horse-list [<player>] [<page>] - List information about all horses owned by you or the specified player, optionally specifying the page number to show.

    • Aliases: /hlist, /horse-owned,
  • /horse-free [<uuid>] - Release a horse from your ownership. Either click on the horse, or specify it by its UUID. Admins with the easyrider.bypass permission can click on other players' horses to free them.

    • Aliases: /hfree
  • /horse-gps [<player>] <number>|<name>|<uuid> - Point towards a horse owned by you or the specified player. The horse can be specified as a number in /horse-owned output, a match on the start of its name (if named with a name tag), or a match on the start of its UUID. The name can include spaces.

    • Aliases: /hgps
  • /horse-access [<uuid>] (+|-)<player>... - View or modify a horse's access list. Either click on the horse, or specify it by the start of its UUID. Players are added with '+' and removed with '-'. Multiple players can be added or removed in a single command.

    • Aliases: /haccess, /hacl
    • Examples:
      • /haccess 12abe4 -Alice +Bob - Give Bob access and revoke Alice's access to the horse whose UUID begins with 12abe4.
      • /haccess +Charles +Don - Give Charles and Don access to the next horse the owner right clicks on.
  • /horse-upgrades health|jump|speed|help - List all levels, corresponding attribute values and training effort for a specified ability.

    • Aliases: /hup
  • /horse-top health|jump|speed|help [<page>] - List one page of 10 horses ranked in descending order by the specified ability. If no page number is specified, it defaults to page 1.

    • Aliases: /htop
  • /horse-speed-limit [help|<number>] - Set your personal speed limit to <number> (in m/s), if specified, or show your current speed limit if the number is omitted.

    • Aliases: /hlimit
  • /horse-disguise-self [help] - Show or hide your horse's disguise to yourself (useful for screenshots). Disguised horses cannot move (the client doesn't understand); they can only turn on the spot.

    • Aliases: /hdisguise-self
  • /horse-neglect [help] - Toggle horse dehydration notification messages and sounds.

Admin Commands

  • /easyrider help|reload - Show help or reload the plugin configuration.

  • /easyrider migrate <type> - Change to the specified database type. If a database of the new type exists, it will be rewritten to contain only the currently loaded horses. Currently, the only supported type is "yaml".

  • /horse-debug on|off - Turn debug logging on or off for the horse that was right-clicked.

  • /horse-set-appearance help|<colour> [<style>] - Set the colour of a llama, or if the style is specified, set the colour and style of a horse.

  • /horse-set-level health|jump|speed|help - Set the level of the specified ability on the right-clicked horse.

  • /horse-set-name help|[<name>] - Set or clear the name of the next right-clicked horse. Formatting codes are supported.

  • /horse-swap <partial-uuid> - Swap the stats of the horse with the specified UUID with those of a clicked-on horse.

  • /horse-tp <partial-uuid> - Teleport to the horse whose UUID begins with the specified prefix.

    • Aliases: /htp
  • /horse-tphere <partial-uuid> - Teleport the horse whose UUID begins with the specified prefix to you.

    • Aliases: /htphere
  • /horse-bypass - Toggle checks on your permission to access horses.

    • Aliases: /hbypass
  • /horse-tame <player> - Tame a horse to the specified player.

    • Aliases: /htame

Configuration and Permissions

For details on how to set up EasyRider, see Plugin Setup.


Bukkit plugin that improves horses MMO-style by increasing their levels through training.







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