We need a way of provisioning multiple parallax activity boards equipped with Xbee S6B with initial configuration w/ no pre existing communication medium.
Get roboscape on Google Play
- Viral
- wifi direct (p2p) [android only], no[?] wifi-direct standard on Xbee S6B module
- prepared a prototype
- plugin: https://github.com/NeoLSN/cordova-plugin-wifi-direct, https://github.com/Uepaa-AG/p2pkit-cordova
- external hotspot:
- phone into hotspot: iOS out of the picture (no support). localOnlyHotspot from android with random SSID and password.
- laptop into hotspot + OS agnostic SW
- robots as AP:
- scan, pick, auto connect and configure. can automate the http request
- how to go to AP mode
- configuration should be saved after
- hijack one of the field
- can be an app.
- wifi direct (solution #2)
- prompt for location permission
- [failed] test connectivity with xbee chip
- figure out a communication protocol after the p2p group is up If you are the groupOwner => Listen for a connection; Else create a connection to the owner with the ip address.
- robots as ap (solution #4)
- scope the global helpers methods to avoid collison
- add xhr post request function to set the desired configurations (axios post a form)
- add a UI
- show current status (configuring which robot, status of previous ones) on UI
- add a self contained way of setting up one robot with status update (and retry?)
- batch the process for more than one AP
- check mobile network status;
- check mobile network status and warn. can't control it programmatically link
- connect to the same network as before after batch config
- capture back button on the phone
- connection detection issues
- firmware beep feedback
- show wifi aps with good signal quality
- validate wifi config before submitting (maybe confirm with user?)
- Internet or server connectivity check
- test again after mixin refactoring
- initial load screen
- physical button (5sec hold) to enter configuration mode
- detect that can't connect to current AP and go to setup mode?
- stricter robot keymatching
- mac@groupID
- add the wifidirect plugin
cordova plugin add https://github.com/NeoLSN/cordova-plugin-wifi-direct
If you are the groupOwner => Listen for a connection
- what determines the group owner in WIFI Direct standard paer
- UI for controlling and connecting to discovered nodes and configuring the settings
- remove
Xbee Api Mode: supported frames API frame structure commands table s6b commands p147
Android hotspot:
- No public/official api to create such a hotspot [link].
- there is localOnlyHotspot link. can't preset the configurations
- The Android API does not expose a way to modify the hotspot configurations. Can't set password or ssid and it changes everytime.