Version: 1.0.2
HeaderMaker is a simple desktop application for adding custom headers to your project files within a selected directory. It helps developers and project managers streamline code documentation.
Windows Users:
Click HeaderMaker.exe to download the executable file.
To install, simply click on the downloaded file. Once installed, run the HeaderMaker.exe file to launch the application. The executable file functions as the complete program, so you don't need to worry about any additional setup.
macOS Users:
Click HeaderMaker.dmg to download the disk image file.
Open the downloaded
file and drag the HeaderMaker icon to your Applications folder to install. Once installed, you can launch the application from the Applications folder.
Added Support for .html and .css File Types: Now you can add headers to HTML and CSS files.
Project Structure Improved: The project is now better organized, making it easier to manage and update in the future.
Various Small Updates: Several minor updates and bug fixes have been applied to improve overall performance.