This is a webapp that makes newspapers data available to the public. Users can search and analyse collections of newspapers.
The application run on Ruby 3.0.1. You can install it using rvm.
rvm install "ruby-3.0.1"
All dependencies of the project can then be installed using bundler
bundle install
You can use a standalone database or use docker for this. Create a docker container and create an empty database named "newspapers"
docker run --name newspapers_platform_database -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -p -d postgres
docker exec -it newspapers_platform_database createdb -U postgres newspapers`
Modify the content of config/database.yml
according to your configuration.
Launch migrations to effectively create the tables: rails db:migrate
Redis is used by the Sidekiq gem to keep track of background jobs. You can use docker to install it.
docker run --name newspapers_redis -p -d redis
To actually start the Sidekiq process, enter bundle exec sidekiq
in a new terminal.
To start the web server, use rails server