StreetEasy listings do not contain all of the information that a potential renter is interested in knowing when apartment hunting. For me, I check how long it takes to get to work and a friend's house, see how many parks are nearby, and try to figure out if the area is safe. So I decided to gather the information automatically! This github was created to do the following:
- Web scrape StreetEasy NYC rental data for select neighborhoods and incorporate metrics on:
- travel time from apartment to points of interest (e.g. work and a friend's house),
- park access,
- neighborhood safety
- Combine information into an interactive table.
- Hosted on github pages
Variable | Description |
Type | Rental type |
Place | Neighborhood |
Address | Rental address |
Price | Monthly price listed on StreetEasy |
Beds | Number of Beds |
Baths | Number of Baths |
SQFT | Square Feet |
URL | StreetEasy listing URL |
Work_Time | Travel time (minutes) from rental to work address using subway |
Work_Lines | Number of subway lines needed to reach work address (e.g. 2 indicates must transfer subways) |
Friend_Time | Travel time (minutes) from rental to friend address using subway |
Friend_Lines | Number of subway lines needed to reach friend address (e.g. 2 indicates must transfer subways) |
Park_Acres | Accesible park acres per 1,000 residents within a 15 minute walk |
Borough | Borough of rental |
Arrests | Arrests per 1,000 residents in the census tract of the rental |
To update the output and table:
bash scripts/
Webscraper for StreetEasy rental data. Can be customized for different neighborhoods and amenitites by editing the URL in the code. Output is data/streeteasy.csv.
Retrieves routing information using Geoapify to determine travel time, directions, and number of subway lines from each apartment to a preset list of destinations. Code can be customized to add as many destinations as desired and mode of transportation (default is subway). Geoapify API is required. Input is data/streeteasy.csv and output is data/apt_csv.csv.
Retrieves park access data from NYC Council Data Team Park Equity github to determine amount of acres of park accessible within a 15-minute walk of the apartment's census tract. Also deteremines the number of NYPD arrests that have occurred in the apartment's census tract for the current year. Input is data/apt_csv.csv and output is data/apt_metrics.csv.
Creates an interactive HTML table. Two filters for rental type (apartment, condo, etc.) and neighborhood are included. Input is apt_metrics.csv and output is visuals/filter_table.html.
Runs the 01-04 scripts sequentially to produce/update the output and table.
- Geoapify API Key
- Grab cookies using developer tools while on StreetEasy webpage
- requirements.txt
- Libraries listed on top of 04_table.R
- 0.1
- Initial Release
- Working as of July 17, 2022
Inspiration and Code Snippets