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Telegram Venue Booking Mini Web App (3rd place in Miniapp competition by Telegram)


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Venue Booking Mini Application


@TeleVenueBot – a Mini App that provides a demo flow for booking venue. User is presented with a venue listing where they can browse and see all venues, then book a venue by filling necessary information.


For a detailed step-by-step guide of the app development see

Video Demonstration

demo video

Tech Stack & Libraries


Project Structure

├── server/
│   ├── migrations         # alembic migrations
│   ├── scripts            # helper scripts
│   ├── src/
│   │   ├── api            # api stuff
│   │   ├── bot            # bot stuff
│   │   ├── models         # db models
│   │   ├── schemas        # data schemas
│   │   ├── utils          # other
│   │   ├──         # main app file
│   │   └──      # app config
│   ├── alembic.ini
│   ├── requirements.txt
│   ├──
│   └── ...
└── frontend/
    ├── public
    ├── src
    │   ├── components     # reusable components
    │   ├── hooks          # custom hooks
    │   ├── pages          # pages
    │   ├── services       # api services
    │   ├── index.css
    │   └── index.jsx
    ├── example.env
    ├── index.html
    └── ...


Cloning project

  1. Clone project
    git clone
  2. Navigate to project directory
    cd TeleVenue

Telegram Bot Setup

  1. Create a new bot using BotFather
  2. Type /newbot and follow the instructions
  3. Copy the bot token and save it somewhere. We will need it later
    Use this token to access the HTTP API:

Ngrok Setup

Telegram mini app requires a public url (https) to work. We will use ngrok to expose our local server to the internet.

  1. Download & install ngrok from here
  2. Edit ngrok configuration file
    sudo ngrok config edit      
  3. Copy and paste this configuration. Remember to specify your auth token. You can get your auth token from dashboard here
    version: "2"
    authtoken: <your_auth_token> # change this to your auth token
        addr: 3000
        proto: http
        addr: 8000
        proto: http   
  4. Save and exit the file: Ctrl + X, then Y, then Enter
  5. Check configuration
    ngrok config check
  6. Start ngrok
    ngrok start --all
  7. Copy and save somewhere the forwarding url for front and back. We will need them later.

Configure application

  1. Copy example.env file to .env in frontend directory
    cd frontend
    cp example.env .env
  2. Edit .env file and paste the back url from ngrok in VITE_BASE_API_URL variable
  3. Copy example.env file to .env in server directory
    cd ../server
    cp example.env .env
  4. Edit .env file and paste the front and back url from ngrok in FRONT_BASE_URL and BACK_BASE_URL variables respectively. Also paste your bot token in BOT_TOKEN variable. Plus set SECRET_KEY to any random string
    SECRET_KEY=<secret_key>          # change this to random long string in production
    BOT_TOKEN=<your_bot_token>       # change this to your bot token that you obtained from botfather
    FRONT_BASE_URL=https://*********   # change this to your front url from ngrok
    BACK_BASE_URL=https://*********    # change this to your back url from ngrok

Run the application

  1. Navigate to frontend directory
    cd frontend
  2. Install dependencies
     npm install
  3. Start the application
    npm run dev
  1. Navigate to server directory in separate terminal
    cd server
  2. Create virtual environment
    python3 -m venv venv
  3. Activate virtual environment
    source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run migrations
    alembic upgrade head
  6. Start the application

Start bot with /start command and enjoy! 🎉🎉

Common Errors and Troubleshooting

NPM package related errors

  • if you get missing modules error when running the app, make sure you have installed all dependencies in frontend folder
    npm install

Python Related Errors

  • Virtualenv issues
    • Make sure you activate virtual environment before installing dependencies and running the app
    • If you get ModuleNotFoundError when running the app, make sure you are in virtual environment and you have installed all dependencies
  • Python Version issues
    • The project was developed with Python 3.10 but 3.8+ should work too
    • Make sure you have python 3.8+ installed
  • Also make sure you have installed everything from requirements.txt file
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    • These are base packages that I believe every FastAPI + Aiogram app will need.

Alembic migrations related errors

  • Migration conflicts and errors
    • Sometimes your migrations may conflict with each other. To fix this, you can delete sqlite database file and versions folder. After that just run migrations again.
      alembic revision --autogenerate -m "init"
      alembic upgrade head
  • Models aren't seen by alembic. No tables get created.
    • In this case make sure you inherit from PkBase model in your models.
    • Also if you define another base model, you should import it and any other model(s) in migrations/ file

CORS Related Errors

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a security feature implemented by web browsers to protect against unauthorized requests from different domains. When developing a web application, you might encounter CORS issues when your front-end code, hosted on one domain, tries to make requests to an API or server on a different domain. To enable these cross-domain requests safely, you need to configure CORS settings in your FastAPI app.

For instance, in this example app I already specified CORS settings in server/src/ file. CORS origins will auto include FRONT_BASE_URL.

# backend/src/

def create_app():
   # ...
     allow_origins=[settings.FRONT_BASE_URL],  # Include your urls here to allow CORS issues
   # ...

Telegram Bot Related Errors

  • If you get Unauthorized error when trying to send messages to your bot, make sure you have specified the correct bot token in backend .env file

Other Notes

  • To enable inspect for web app, press settings icon 5 times and turn on Debug Web App


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details