A place for developing a Guild Wars 2 Discord Bot using the discord.py library.
- Git - You can pick it up here if you don't have it. You need it to clone the repo.
- Python - You need this to run Python. The link is here.
- PIP - This is the python package manager. This comes along with the Python installation.
People like using different things to get their local environment set up. Here is some of the stuff we use:
- Atom - This is a lightweight program/text editor with a ton of nice plugins. It was developed by the fine folks here at GitHub. (Download).
- Atom Packages that are nice to have:
- atom-runner - Allows you to run python scripts from within Atom.
- atom-beautify - Allows you to easily make your python code look real pretty.
- Atom Packages that are nice to have:
- Scoop - This is a windows utility that acts like Homebrew. It is a command line installer and application package manager/repository. You can use it to really easily install python for windows. (Download)
- Cmder - This is a really nice windows terminal. Please don't use native Windows cmd. Every time you do, a puppy dies. (Download)
Here are some quick, but detailed instructions on how to get the project running locally.
- First, go to the Discord Developers Page. This has a ton of good info you might need. Also it has a link to the Applications Page. Go there.
- Make a new App by clicking on the circle with the plus inside.
- Take your client ID from that page and use it in this URL:
https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=<CLIENT ID>&scope=bot&permissions=0
- Get your token from that page and save it for later.
- Clone this repo to your local machine.
- From the root of the project:
- Run `./install/install.bat
- Run GWBotSetup.py to create the database and tables, as well as loading the tables for future use.
- Run the main application file with
python GWBotMain.py <bot-token>
where the bot token is for the App you created.
- By default the bots will listen to mentions and commands after
. - To register an api key, you can use "register INSERT_API_KEY_HERE" (it is recommended to pm the bot this information so that it is not visible to everyone).
- To get a list of commands the bot supports, you can use the command "help".
- accountinfo - presents a full list of basic account information.
- bank - retrieves a count of a given item from you bank.
- cats - gets a list of unlocked cats.
- cathint - gets a list of hints for cats that the API provides.
- characters - gets a list of characters for your account.
- coins - gives the rate for a certain amount of coins (in bronze)
- continents - gets a list of continents.
- currencies - gets a list of currencies.
- dailies (usages: "today","tomorrow") - gets a list of daily achievements.
- dailyap - tells the user how many daily AP they can get before maxing out.
- dungeons - gets a list of dungeons.
- dyes - gets a count of dyes unlocked on your account.
- equip (usages: "all" or character name) - gets a list of equipment for a given character or all characters.
- findall - finds a count of a given item across all character, bank, and material storage (will check by partial name as well).
- finishers - gets a count of finishers unlocked on your account.
- fractals - gets a list of fractals.
- gems - gives the rate for a certain amount of gems to gold.
- gliders - gets a count of gliders unlocked on your account.
- hp (usages: "all" or character name) - gets a count of Hero Points for a given character or all characters.
- inventory - searches through all characters for a count of a given item (will check by partial name as well).
- item - retrieves item info for a given item (will check by partial name as well).
- mailcarriers - gets a count of Mail Carriers unlocked on your account.
- mastery - gets a list of mastery points, as well as information for each mastery category.
- materials - searches through material storage for a count of a given item (will check by partial name as well).
- minis - gets a count of minis unlocked on your account.
- name - gets your display name.
- nodes - gets a list of home instance nodes unlocked on your account.
- outfits - gets a list of outfits unlocked on your account.
- permissions - gets a list of permissions associated with the API Key provided.
- professions - gets a list of professions.
- price - gets the price of a given item (will check by partial name as well).
- quaggans - gets a list of quaggans.
- races - gets a list of races.
- raids - gets a list of raids.
- register - registers a given API Key to your Discord ID.
- recipes - gets a count of recipes unlocked on your account.
- skins - gets a count of skins unlocked on your account.
- titles - gets a list of titles unlocked on your account.
- wallet (usages: "all" or a given currency) - provides a count of all currencies or the currency name provided in your wallet.
- wiki - searches the wiki for a given search string and returns the beginning of the page.
- world - gets the world you are on by name.
- wvw - gets your World vs. World rank.