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Welcome to the Open Government Platform! You'll find here a growing set of open source, open government platform code that allows any city, organization, or government to create an open data site. Below you'll see the first code for a data management system. The Open Government Platform (OGPL) is a joint product from India and the United States …

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Installation Instructions

1.  Refer to webapp/core/INSTALL.txt file for server requirements.

2.  Copy contents under webapp/core to the web server's document root
    directory. Make sure .htaccess file is copied.

3.  Copy webapp/sites directory to web server's document root.

4.  Create a new database in MySQL.

5.  Load data from a SQL file found under db/development into the
    new database.

6.  Copy webapp/sites/default/default.settings.php file as
    webapp/sites/default/settings.php and update the
    database connection settings.  (Line 91)

7.  Create a symbolic link in webapp/sites directory with the name of
    the server (e.g., to 'dgib_dms' directory.

8.  Default Drupal administration username and password is:
    Username: admin
    Password: password!


Welcome to the Open Government Platform! You'll find here a growing set of open source, open government platform code that allows any city, organization, or government to create an open data site. Below you'll see the first code for a data management system. The Open Government Platform (OGPL) is a joint product from India and the United States …






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