This is a project about data covid in Italy per regions, where I did an exploratory analysis with SQL.
This dataset is composed by 16111 rows and 33 columns. This dataset is a merge between covidIta and Popolazione. The chosen period for the analysis goes from the beginning of the pandemic up to 04/04/2022. To know more about the columns of dataset check here.
This dataset is composed by 209977 rows and 16 columns. This dataset is a merge between covidItaVacc and platea. The chosen period for the analysis goes from the beginning of the vaccination period to 04/04/2022. To know more about the columns of dataset check here.
- Looking at total cases vs total deaths. Letality rate in your region daily.
- Looking total cases vs Population. Show what percentage of population got Covid.
- Looking at Regions with highest infection rate compared to population
- Showing Regions with highest Death count per Population
- Global Numbers
- Positivity rate per region daily
- Showing total somministration vaccin per region with resepct population
- Showing total somministration vaccin per age-class by region