Course from O. Wintenberger for Master M2A @ Sorbonne Université.
- Gradient Descent, Constrained Gradient Descent
- Stochastic Gradient Descent, Constrained SGD
- Regularized Follow the Leader (RFTL) variants: Stochastic Mirror Descent (SMD), Stochatic Exponential Gradient (SEG), Adaptative Gradient (AdaGrad)
- Bandits: SREG, SBEG
- ADAM variant: Adam, Projected Adam, AdaMax, Adam Temporal, Adamax Temporal
The MNIST data set can be downloaded from
The notebook main.ipynb contains a sandbox for all the implemented algorithm for the user to experiment with the hyperparameters and compare respective performances.
All the algorithms are benchmarked in a binary classification problem, tuning a linear SVM for model.
Lise Le Boudec, Paul Liautaud, Nicolas Olivain