My work accross 8 weeks @Microsoft IDC Office for IC3 Config Admin Scenario !
- Firstly , given the permissions of the codebase , the following command can be executed in the terminal :
- NuGet Package Installation :
- Microsoft Azure DocumentDB Core (2.14.1)
- Newtonsoft Json (13.0.1)
- Launch Postman , to test various WEB APIs ( Few cases under DEMO Folder )
Target : Create a sample database (proper schema) on Azure Cosmos DB and create simple REST API using ASP.Net Core. Operations Available :
- GET (Users)
- Fetches all the users present in the database .
- GET (by Department)
- Group by Departments (Eg:SovCloudHyd)
- Add new user to the database .
- Delete the selected user (via ID) .
Target : Combination of Entity Framework 5.0 & OData 8.0 , for adding filtering & searching support. It supports the following functionalities :
- GET (Users)
- Fetches all the users present in the database .
- GET (by id)
- Returns the user by tenantId .
- Add new user to the database .
- Delete the selected user (via ID) .
- PUT -Updates the user record.
Target : Building Data Ingestion Tool , on top of Cosmos DB Bulk Insert API that takes an input configuration file with tenant name as key , and tenant size as the value . To run the tool , you can following steps :
- git clone
- Edit the program.cs file with relevant database name & primary connection string .
- On your terminal : $ dotnet run
- For testing out the application , export the BasicSetupDemo.json file to PostMan Tool .
Target : Connecting the service to Application Insights & Azure Monitor , for observing telemetry which will aid in understanding the patterns of cost & detect APIs with high COGS value . To run the tool , you can following steps :
- git clone
- Edit the program.cs,usercontext.cs & application.jsons file with relevant database name & primary connection string of the Application Insights tool .
- On your terminal : $ dotnet run
- For testing out the application , export the TenantAPI.json file to PostMan Tool .