List of repositories containing Cocoa examples for macOS written in Objective-C.
- Cocoa Speech Synthesizer - implementation of application that uses speech synthesizer (NSSpeechSynthesizer) and cell based table view (NSTableView).
- Cocoa Slider Binding - implementation of two way binding of NSSlider with instance variable of the delegate object.
- Cocoa Table View - implementation of cell based Table View (NSTableView) where data source, delegate, column identifiers and column sort descriptors are set programmatically.
- Cocoa Undo Manager - implementation of Undo Manager functionalities by extending Table View example.
- Cocoa Preferences Panel - implementation of Preferences Panel.
- Cocoa Notifications - implementation of Notifications by extending the Preferences Panel example.
- Cocoa Alert Panels - implementation of Alert Panels.
- Cocoa Modal Window - implementation of Modal Window.
- Cocoa Mouse Events - implementation of Mouse Events handlers in NSView.
- Cocoa Pasteboards - implementation of cut, copy and paste operations using pasteboards (NSPasteboard).
- Cocoa Drag and Drop for TableView - implementation of Drag and Drop functionalities for NSTableView.
- Cocoa Determinate Progress Bar - implementation of NSProgressIndicator which value is updated using NSTimer.
- Cocoa Web View - implementation of simple web browser using WKWebView with support for go forward, go back and url validation.
- Cocoa Web View Load Local File - implementation of loading local .html file in WKWebView.
- Cocoa Web View JavaScript Communication - implementation of WKWebView calling methods from JavaScript, and JavaScript sending messages to WKWebView over WKScriptMessageHandler.
- Cocoa Outline View - implementation of cell based NSOutlineView where data source and delegate are set programmatically.
- Cocoa Outline View with Checkbox - implementation of view based NSOutlineView with checkbox cells and with data source and delegate set programmatically.
- Cocoa View Swapping - implementation of swapping NSView objects with animated transition.
- Cocoa Background Thread - implementation of background thread using Grand Central Dispatch (GCD).
- Cocoa Combo Box Autocomplete - implementation of NSComboBox autocomplete feature.
- Cocoa Custom Views - implementation of multiple NSCustomViews in same window.