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Nikolai V. Chr edited this page Apr 16, 2022 · 1 revision


When you press the generate button or trigger it by CV, it will generate a randomized melody phrase, that will start playing when current phrase ends.

The melody is not fully random, it follows some constraints borrowed from classical music theory to make the melody sound more pleasing to the ear.

Manipulating the setting knobs/CVs does nothing until generate is triggered. When a knobs CV input is connected the knob will move according to the +/5V CV input, so its either use CV or knob.

The expression knob goes smoothly from 40% (staccatissimo) to almost 100% (legato) of clock cycle note duration.

The output notes can wary in duration. If we define for example the input clock to be 16th notes, then it might output 16th, 8th and dotted 8ths.

The octave range it outputs cannot be changed, but if you need it higher or lower just add a VCV Octave module after it.

The tooltips on the rest of knobs should be self-explanatory. (I hope)



Will output a polyphonic chord from a single note. It will not quantize the note, so if its out of tune the chords will be similar out of tune, so that they fit.

It is by design not limited to diatonic chords, and there is no way to force it into that.

Trigger the 'NEW' CV to switch to another chord, it will choose a random one of its 14 chords.

The polyphonic 'GATE' output will indicate with either 0V or 10V if a poly channel output by 1V/Oct out is part of the chord. For example a power chord with only two notes will only use the 1st and 2nd channel, so this gates output will be (10V, 10V, 0V, 0V).

The output will include the inputted root note in 1st poly channel.

Hover mouse over a lit light to see which chord is in use.


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