Demo project to understand how Swagger is used to create documentation of various REST endpoints of Spring Boot application
- Getting the swagger 2 dependency
- Enabling swagger in your code using @EnableSwagger2 annotations
- Configuring Swagger
- Adding details as annotations to APIs
- add Spring fox swagger 2 dependency in pom.xml file
<!-- -->
- use the endpoint
in your Rest client like Postman
<!-- -->
- now access the endpoint
from your browser
The way to customize swagger is by creating an instance of an object called Docket. Docket is an object that will contain all the customizable property that you intend the swagger to pick up when generating documentation.
The way you publish is by making Docket as Spring Bean.
Docket instance is manipulated by following the Builder Pattern.
When you get the Docket instance, you're going to call the select() method on it to get the Docket builder object.
This is the builder object of a class called ApiSelectorBuilder.
Now this builder has methods that let you customize how you want to swagger to behave.
You can call methods on it get everything you need and at the end you call build() method to get the prepared Docket object.
You can do more customizations using @ApiOperation annotations on various endpoints methods in controller.
You can also use @ApiParam annotation to tell more information about @PathVariable
use @ApiModel, @ApiModelProperty annotations in models of your application to tell more about your models to the user.