An HttpModule (registered via web.config) that captures the Azure warm-up request and hits a number of (configurable) local URLs.
This is a module to warmup a site instance. The module captures any incoming requests having the UserAgent set to "SiteWarmup", which Azure uses for the built-in warmup request to the site root. Because it captures that request, you must yourself register "/" in the warmup.txt-file that lists the URLs to hit when this module is active.
- Add the EPiServer.Warmup.dll to the bin-folder of your application
- Reference it in your web.config as demonstrated below
- Set up your warmup.txt-file
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
<add name="WarmupModule" type="EPiServer.Warmup.WarmupModule, EPiServer.Warmup"/>
If present, the module will open it up and fire off a request to each URL, absolute or relative, in the text file. Note that the URL, even when absolute, will unconditionally result in a request to localhost, with the hostname taken from the URL. If relative, it issues a request using the Host-header taken from the warmup request.
This file, placed in the root of the application list one URL per line. It allows empty and lines starting with the '#' character which it ignores. This would be a valid example:
## This is a sample warmup.txt file for the warmup module
# Request the site root
# .com requests
# .se requests