Renovate parser correctly FAILS when processing the Renovate configuration file as foo
is not a valid preset value.
However the configuration validator tool passes with the same configuration.
During procesing it fails correctly with validation error: Cannot find preset's package (foo)
docker run --rm -v $PWD/renovate.json:/usr/src/app/renovate.json -e RENOVATE_TOKEN=token -e RENOVATE_REPOSITORIES=repo-path -it renovate/renovate
The config validator tool does not detect the bad configuration but it
docker run --rm -v $PWD/renovate.json:/usr/src/app/renovate.json -e RENOVATE_TOKEN=token -e RENOVATE_REPOSITORIES=repo-path -it renovate/renovate renovate-config-validator
Bad configuration fields not added to the
preset section seem to be detected correctly.