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One-click to set-up a working CI/CD piepline using Terraform, Jenkins and AWS EC2.

One-click to deploy newly committed code with 0 downtime. (#) Presentaion Slides.


Today's developers who use repositories like github always face a problem when they try to integrate and deploy the new change becasue there are always reptitive work and long period of waiting for operation teams' feedback. My project is to build a one-click set-up CI/CD pipeline which does build, test and deployment automatically.


I have 2 different architectures due to different deployment strategies.

  1. watchTower Deployment with 2 seconds downtime (master branch)

I used Terraform to set up and provisioned my AWS EC2 instances with Jenkins and Docker. Jenkins does the most job of the pipeline who automatically detects code change in repo, builds new image and pushed it to a registry like dockerhub. At last, I used a tool called watchTower on web servers to detect if there is a new image pushed to a registry. So if there was one, it would ask docker to re-build the application container.

  1. Blue/Green Deployment with 0 downtime. (blueGreen branch)

The first part which involves terraform and jenkins is the same as the first archetecture. The difference is that instead of ussing the tool watchTower, a new job is added to the Jenkins server. Once Jenkins pushes the latest image to a registry, this new job executes some terraform scripts to set up and provision a new group of EC2 instances as green servers. Then we will have a group of web servers which carry the older application (blue) and green web servers which carry the latest application. At last, we can re-route the user traffic from blue to green by using AWS route53 weighted routing policy. There will not be any downtime because user will either go to blue or green servers while we are re-routing traffic. Finally all users will go to green servers with the latest application.

How to install and get it up and running

For demo purpose, that application repo is fixed. So you can't run it except you have my credentials of github and dockerhub.

However, you can change the application repo to your repo. You need to:

On your repo

The web application repo is at where dockerfile and jenkinsfile are located.

  1. Get jenkinsfile and dockerfile from the repo
  2. In Jenkinsfile, in last step, you need to change the registry(mine is dockerhub) link to your image registry and the credential ID to match the Newly added credential on jenkins server
  3. Put jenkinsfile into your repo and the dockerfile to your repo.

On your Host machine

  1. Install terraform
  2. Git clone this repo
  3. Input your AWS access_key, secret_key, region preffered, key pair ID and path to your-keypair.pem in (Demo purpose only, Do not left them there and push to your repo!)
  4. Change the link in ./Web/ to your repo link
  5. terraform init
  6. terraform apply

On jenkins server(once its online, you can find it on http://Your-jenkins-EC2-ip:8080):

  1. Change the repo link to your repo in job "autoBuild"'s configuration

  2. Add your credentials for both github and your image registry

  3. Switch the credential to yours in job "autoBuild"'s configuration

  4. Now you can find the web application at your ELB DNS domain(Find on aws console>EC2>Load Balancer) which can automatically update itself when you commit code to your web application repo.

Engineering challenges

1.Terraform Provision EC2 Instances

2.Automation of Jenkins configuration

3.Minimize downtime during deployment

Business Value

Speed up development cycles, 0 downtime.


One-click to set-up a working CI/CD piepline using Terraform, Jenkins and AWS EC2.

Tech Stack

Terraform, Jenkins, AWS EC2, AWS ELB, AWS S3, watchTower

Way to Demo

A video which shows how to automatically deploy the latest web application of an Insight Data Science fellow by committing a change of code to github.


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