Releasenote is a python library used to get change log between given two git commits linking the story card number specified in the commit message with agile tracker (eg. Mingle). It is a command line tool built using python click library.
python install
pip install releasenote
Dependencies will be installed when installed using pip or
You can also clone the source from github, git clone
<story-number | Fix | Refactor> commit message
story-number has to be same as the one agile tracker
-lc, --lastcommit TEXT Commit hash of last release
-ct, --committill TEXT Commit hash of till which notes has to generated
--project TEXT Agile tracker(eg. mingle) project name
--name TEXT Agile tracker(eg. mingle) username
--password TEXT Agile tracker(eg.mingle) password
releasenote -ct ea66bda5
This will prompt for project name, user name and password of mingle account. --lastcommit is optional, when not given the first commit of the repository will be taken by default.