Repository for an Arduino project (Sound reactive LEDs) done as school homework for Computer architectures course in ELSYS (TUES) - Technological shcool "Electronic systems".
Hardwear used in the project:
- 1x Arduino Uno R3;
- 11x LEDs;
- 1x BreadBoard;
- Wires.
Software used in this project: is Under GPL v 3.0 License fee; is one only source file.
People working under this project are: Ivo Stratev; Borislav Stratev; Nikola Simeonov.
Purpose of the github repository is to stand as: gide on how to create your own prototype of the project; to hold all files and instructions needed for the prototype; to provide the Open-Source of the project.
Deadline of the project is: 01.06.2015.
Start is given with the creation of the repository.