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NoahGWood edited this page Apr 8, 2017 · 2 revisions

NSA Tools Dump

These tools, exploits, and warez were released by the hacker group "Shadow Brokers" in protest of Donald Trump's bombing of an SAA airbase in response to a chemical agent attack.

What's been exploited?

So far I have identified the following programs, platforms, and operating systems affected by these tools:

  • SSLv1,2,3
  • Apache and Apache2
  • OracleDB
  • Redhat Linux
  • The Linux Kernel (tested on 4.4.0-53-generic)
  • Windows (unknown which versions)
  • XMLPRC servers and websites using it including:
  • Drupal websites
  • TikiWiki
  • b2evolution
  • More

This is a small list of what I have identified so far. The linux priv-esc exploit is the h executable More to come

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