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Add rudimentary support for Expectations v2
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NoahTheDuke committed Oct 15, 2024
1 parent ec59b6e commit 1de9d9b
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## Unreleased

### Added

- Add support for [Expectations v2]( in `lazytest.extensions.expectations`. Only ports over `expect` and related helpers.

## 1.2.0

Released `2024-10-15`.
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/clojure/lazytest/core.clj
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(defmacro ->ex-failed
"Useful for all expectations. Sets the base
properties on the ExpectationFailed."
{:arglists '([expr data]
[&form expr {:keys [message evaluated actual]}])}
([expr data] `(->ex-failed nil ~expr ~data))
([_&form expr data]
`(let [data# ~data]
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345 changes: 345 additions & 0 deletions src/clojure/lazytest/extensions/expectations.clj
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@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
(ns lazytest.extensions.expectations
"Adapts Expectations v2 ( to Lazytest."
[lazytest.core :as lt]
[ :as data]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))

(def humane-test-output?
"If Humane Test Output is available, activate it, and enable compatibility
of our `=?` with it.
This Var will be `true` if Humane Test Output is available and activated,
otherwise it will be `nil`."
(try (require 'pjstadig.humane-test-output)
((resolve 'pjstadig.humane-test-output/activate!))
(catch Exception _)))

;; stub functions for :refer compatibility:
(defn- bad-usage [s]
`(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str ~s " should only be used inside expect"))))

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-binding]}
(defmacro in
"`(expect expected (in actual))` -- expect a subset of a collection.
If `actual` is a hash map, `expected` can be a hash map of key/value pairs
that you expect to be in the `actual` result (there may be other key/value
pairs, which are ignored).
If `actual` is a set, vector, or list, `expected` can be any value that
you expect to be a member of the `actual` data.
`(expect {:b 2} (in {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}))`
`(expect 2 (in #{1 2 3}))`
`(expect 2 (in [1 2 3]))`
`in` may only be used inside `expect` and is a purely syntactic construct.
This macro can be `refer`'d to satisfy tooling like `clj-kondo`."
(bad-usage "in"))

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-binding]}
(defmacro from-each
"`(expect expected (from-each [v coll] (f v)))` -- expect this to be true
for each element of collection. `(f v)` is the actual result.
Equivalent to: `(doseq [v coll] (expect expected (f v)))`
`(expect even? (from-each [v (range 10)] (* 2 v)))`
`from-each` may only be used inside `expect` and is a purely syntactic construct.
This macro can be `refer`'d to satisfy tooling like `clj-kondo`."
[bindings & body]
(bad-usage "from-each"))

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-binding]}
(defmacro more-of
"`(expect (more-of destructuring expected1 actual1 ...) actual)` -- provide
multiple expectations on `actual` based on binding it against the
`destructuring` expression (like in a `let`) and then expecting things about
its subcomponents.
Equivalent to: `(let [destructuring actual] (expect expected1 actual1) ...)`
`(expect (more-of [a b] string? a int? b) [\"test\" 42])`
`more-of` may only be used inside `expect` and is a purely syntactic construct.
This macro can be `refer`'d to satisfy tooling like `clj-kondo`."
[destructuring & expected-actual-pairs]
(bad-usage "more-of"))

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-binding]}
(defmacro more->
"`(expect (more-> expected1 (threaded1) ...) actual)` -- provide multiple
expectations on `actual` based on threading it into various expressions.
Equivalent to: `(do (expect expected1 (-> actual (threaded1))) ...)`
`(expect (more-> string? (first) int? (second)) [\"test\" 42])`
`more->` may only be used inside `expect` and is a purely syntactic construct.
This macro can be `refer`'d to satisfy tooling like `clj-kondo`."
[& expected-threaded-pairs]
(bad-usage "more->"))

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-binding]}
(defmacro more
"`(expect (more expected1 ...) actual)` -- provide multiple expectations
on `actual` as a series of expected results.
Equivalent to: `(do (expect expected1 actual) ...)`
`(expect (more int? even?) 42)`
`more` may only be used inside `expect` and is a purely syntactic construct.
This macro can be `refer`'d to satisfy tooling like `clj-kondo`."
[& expecteds]
(bad-usage "more"))

(defn ^:no-doc spec?
"Detects whether an expected expression seems to be a Spec."
(and (keyword? e) (s/get-spec e)))

(defn ^:no-doc str-match
"Returns the match off of the beginning of two strings."
[a b]
(loop [a-seq (seq a)
b-seq (seq b)
match 0]
(if (= (first a-seq) (first b-seq))
(recur (next a-seq) (next b-seq) (inc match))
(subs a 0 match))))

(defn ^:no-doc str-diff
"Returns three strings [only-in-a only-in-b in-both]"
[a b]
(let [match (str-match a b)
match-len (count match)]
[(subs a match-len) (subs b match-len) match]))

(defn ^:no-doc str-msg
"Given output from str-diff, produce a message about the difference."
[a b in-both]
(str "matches: " (pr-str in-both)
"\n>>> expected diverges: " (pr-str
(clojure.string/replace a in-both ""))
"\n>>> actual diverges: " (pr-str
(clojure.string/replace b in-both ""))

;; smart equality extension to clojure.test assertion -- if the expected form
;; is a predicate (function) then the assertion is equivalent to (is (e a))
;; rather than (is (= e a)) and we need the type check done at runtime, not
;; as part of the macro translation layer
(defmacro =?
"Internal fuzzy-equality test (clojure.test/assert-expr)."
([e a msg] (with-meta `(=? ~e ~a nil ~msg) (meta &form)))
([e a form' msg]
(let [conform? (boolean (spec? e))]
`(let [e# ~e
a# ~a
f# ~form'
valid?# (when ~conform? s/valid?)
explain-str?# (when ~conform? s/explain-str)
[r# m# ef# af#]
(cond ~conform?
[(valid?# e# a#)
(explain-str?# e# a#)
(list '~'s/valid? '~e '~a)
(list '~'not (list '~'s/valid? '~e a#))]
(fn? e#)
[(e# a#)
(str '~a " did not satisfy " '~e)
(list '~e '~a)
(list '~'not (list '~e a#))]
(isa? (type e#)
[(some? (re-find e# a#))
(str (pr-str a#) " did not match " (pr-str e#))
(list '~'re-find '~e '~a)
(list '~'not (list '~'re-find e# a#))]
(and (class? e#) (class? a#)) ; maybe figure this out later
[(isa? a# e#) ; (expect parent child)
(str a# " is not derived from " e#)
(list '~'isa? '~a '~e)
(list '~'not (list '~'isa? a# e#))]
(class? e#) ; maybe figure this out later
[(instance? e# a#) ; (expect klazz object)
(str a#
(str " (" (class a#) ")")
" is not an instance of " e#)
(list '~'instance? '~e '~a)
(class a#)]
[(= e# a#)
(when (and (string? e#) (string? a#) (not= e# a#))
(let [[_# _# in-both#] (str-diff e# a#)]
(str-msg e# a# in-both#)))
(list '~'= '~e '~a)
(list '~'not= e# a#)])
humane?# (and humane-test-output? (not (fn? e#)) (not ~conform?))]
(or r#
(throw (lt/->ex-failed
{:message (if m# (if ~msg (str ~msg "\n" m#) m#) ~msg)
:diffs (if humane?#
[[a# (take 2 (data/diff e# a#))]]
:expected (cond humane?#
:actual (cond af#
(list '~'not (list '~'=? e# a#)))})))))))

(data/diff "foo" ["bar"])

(defmacro ^:no-doc ?
"Wrapper for forms that might throw an exception so exception class names
can be used as predicates. This is only needed for `more->` so that you can
thread exceptions into code that can parse information out of them, to be
used with various expect predicates."
`(try ~form
(catch Throwable

(defn ^:no-doc all-report
"Given an atom in which to accumulate results, return a function that
can be used in place of `clojure.test/do-report`, which simply remembers
all the reported results.
This is used to support the semantics of `expect/in`."
(fn [m]
(swap! store update (:type m) (fnil conj []) m)))

(defmacro expect
"Translate Expectations DSL to `lazytest` language.
These are approximate translations for the most basic forms:
`(expect actual)` => `(is actual)`
`(expect expected actual)` => `(is (= expected actual))`
`(expect predicate actual)` => `(is (predicate actual))`
`(expect regex actual)` => `(is (re-find regex actual))`
`(expect ClassName actual)` => `(is (instance? ClassName actual))`
`(expect ExceptionType actual)` => `(is (thrown? ExceptionType actual))`
`(expect spec actual)` => `(is (s/valid? spec actual))`
An optional third argument can be provided: a message to be included
in the output if the test fails.
In addition, `actual` can be `(from-each [x coll] (computation-of x))`
or `(in set-of-results)` or `(in larger-hash-map)`.
Also, `expect` can be one of `(more predicate1 .. predicateN)`,
`(more-> exp1 expr1 .. expN exprN)` where `actual` is threaded through
each expression `exprX` and checked with the expected value `expX`,
or `(more-of binding exp1 val1 .. expN valN)` where `actual` is
destructured using the `binding` and then each expected value `expX`
is used to check each `valX` -- expressions based on symbols in the
([a] (with-meta `(lt/expect ~a nil) (meta &form)))
([e a] (with-meta `(expect ~e ~a nil true ~e) (meta &form)))
([e a msg] (with-meta `(expect ~e ~a ~msg true ~e) (meta &form)))
([e a msg ex? e']
(let [within (if (and (sequential? e') (= 'expect (first e')))
`(pr-str '~e')
`(pr-str (list '~'expect '~e' '~a)))
msg' `(str/join
(cond-> []
(conj ~msg)
~(not= e e')
(conj (str " within: " ~within))
(conj (str (pr-str '~a) "\n"))))]
(and (sequential? a) (= 'from-each (first a)))
(let [[_ bindings & body] a]
(if (= 1 (count body))
`(doseq ~bindings
(expect ~e ~(first body) ~msg ~ex? ~e))
`(doseq ~bindings
(expect ~e (do ~@body) ~msg ~ex? ~e))))

(and (sequential? a) (= 'in (first a)))
(let [form `(~'expect ~e ~a)]
`(let [e# ~e
a# ~(second a)
not-in# (str '~e " not found in " a#)
msg# (if (seq ~msg') (str ~msg' "\n" not-in#) not-in#)]
(cond ;; special case of set in set -- report any elements from
;; expected set that are not in the actual set:
(and (set? a#) (set? e#))
(=? (clojure.set/difference e# a#) #{} '~form msg#)
;; Lazytest: Different than expectations, just doseqs over the potential comparisons.
(or (sequential? a#) (set? a#))
(doseq [a'# a#]
(expect e# a'# msg# ~ex? ~form))
(map? a#)
(if (map? e#)
(let [submap# (select-keys a# (keys e#))]
(=? e# submap# '~form ~msg'))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "'in' requires map or sequence")))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "'in' requires map or sequence")))))

(and (sequential? e) (= 'more (first e)))
(let [sa (gensym)
es (mapv (fn [e] `(expect ~e ~sa ~msg ~ex? ~e')) (rest e))]
`(let [~sa (? ~a)] ~@es))

(and (sequential? e) (= 'more-> (first e)))
(let [sa (gensym)
es (mapv (fn [[e a->]]
(if (and (sequential? a->)
(symbol? (first a->))
(let [s (name (first a->))]
(or (str/ends-with? s "->")
(str/ends-with? s "->>"))))
`(expect ~e (~(first a->) ~sa ~@(rest a->)) ~msg false ~e')
`(expect ~e (-> ~sa ~a->) ~msg false ~e')))
(partition 2 (rest e)))]
`(let [~sa (? ~a)] ~@es))

(and (sequential? e) (= 'more-of (first e)))
(let [es (mapv (fn [[e a]] `(expect ~e ~a ~msg ~ex? ~e'))
(partition 2 (rest (rest e))))]
`(let [~(second e) ~a] ~@es))

(and ex? (symbol? e) (resolve e) (class? (resolve e)))
(if (isa? (resolve e) Throwable)
`(lt/expect (lt/throws? ~e #(do ~a)) ~msg')
`(=? ~e ~a ~msg'))

`(=? ~e ~a ~msg')))))

(macroexpand '(expect (more-> 1 :a 2 :b 3 (-> :c :d)) {:a 1 :b 2 :c {:d 4}}))
(macroexpand '(expect (more-of a 2 a) 4))
(macroexpand '(expect (more-of {:keys [a b c]} 1 a 2 b 3 c) {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})))

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