Pipeline to generate COGs, create STAC metadata, and publish to CCMEO datacube
Note, VPN needs to be turned off for this step to aovid SSLCertVerificationError. We will create an Python environment to install the egs_env.yml, and install two additional Python packages BeautifulSoup and rio-cogeo
cd path/to/egs_env.yml
conda env create -f egs_env.yml
conda activate py36
conda install rio-cogeo
conda install beautifulsoup4
conda list
python main.py "https://data.eodms-sgdot.nrcan-rncan.gc.ca" 2005 2006 2007 "RiverIce" "nrcan-egs-product-archive" "Datacube/RiverIce/" "zip_test" "EPSG:3978" 5 5