This is a exploratory data analysis & visualization project about sri lanka dengue status from 2010 to 2020 & and also include the forecasting of dengue cases for the future 2 years. In here mainly used python, tableau for the data analysis & visualization process and also used fbprophet model as the procedure for forecasting .By this, here we able to get better insights about how dengue outbreak spreaded in sri lanka.
- Interactive Tableau Dashboard :Click Here
- jupyter Notebook :Click Here ( plotly & figures not shown in the the github so you need to run the notbook file )
- Figures & Data Insights(Visualizations) as a PDF :Click Here
- Tableau Workbook :Click Here
Make sure to run this jupyter notebook file in google colab for better result & less effort for, if run in localy make sure to install all the dependencies mentioned in the "requirement.txt" file
- Analysis of dengue trend in Sri Lanka
- Gain insights from the data
- Visualize insights from the data including geospatial data using tableau & python
- Analyse time series trend about the dengue outbreak
- Forecast the future data using fbprophet model.
- Data scraped from a goverment website (link in the reference section)
- Dataset Include data from 2010 to aug 2021 which collected Srilanka Goverment Website (but used until 2010 to 2020 to maintain the accuracy of the data becasue some 2021 values was not fully updated updated in the data scraped website)
- There Are Two Features : 1)Date , 2) City , 3) value (Number Of Dengue Cases)
- Used Sri Lanka Districts shapefile for geospstial visualization (Click Here for link)
- Python programming Language : Pandas | Numpy | Matplotlib | Seaborn | Scikit Learn | Satistics Models | | Plotly | fbprophet
- Tableau Public
- Jupyter Notebook